The title, "Conversations on Twitter Spaces" derailed majority exchanges, now 44, from the topic, to their experiences on Twitter; it has become a platform for complains from people banned on Twitter.

They need to learn to avoid words/phrases that are censored by algorithms, I guess.

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I'm permanently suspended on twitter & despite multiple requests to close my account they have completely ignored me. My account is still active one Year on, yet I can't like, share or deactivate my account, I want nothing to do with twitter & I advise others to stay clear of this site.

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Thanks James!

I think you've already got my contact details and you know I'm keep to assist in any way I can!

Slavery getting closer!

The WHO is 'owned' by Gates (Biggest benefactor (= INFLUENCER) and therefore has a new set of policies and objectives - none of which have the health and welfare of the world population in their plans.

The WHO is now corrupted, it serves no purpose in the real world!

LIABILTY for Vax makers would be a reasonable expectation - but will never happen 'cos they'd be bankrupt within weeks following Vax injuries and Vax Deaths!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unvaxxed to live longer!

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"... discuss the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations, just let me know."

Majority of the posts are off topic... So now you know.

I found them scary but would have to reread them to discuss.

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I would imagine the puppet master to be Schwab

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I went back on Twitter several months ago to share my daily Substack. About 2 weeks ago I was kicked off entirely. No warning. No nothing just banned. And the ONLY think I posted on Twitter was a link to my daily Substack. So much for Musk and his freedom of speech.

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Something not quite right about Musk FOR SURE. Just look at his last Halloween costume. Or read some of the lyrics written by his grimy GF. I tend to think his purchase of Twitter has something to do with his Neuralink company. But who knows for sure.

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IMHO it is a set up, the government REALLY wants to know what we have to say right now as Merrick Garland and his justice dept. are busy putting our names on various lists, none of which are good! The DOJ and the FBI are obsessed with finding domestic terrorists, they keep adding new classifications of Americans to this group and it is frightening! Elon wants our data plain and simple!

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Karen. Try a resolution, reach out to them, there might be something left in the algorithms that they’ve missed, they’re trying to clean them up but they are a mess. 

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Thanks. It is not like they shut me down a long time ago like most others. I only signed on to Twitter a few months ago (well after Musk took over) and for weeks had no issues then all of a sudden I am taken down. I do not even have the ability to lodge a complaint or ask for an explanation. I also do not have the ability to ask to be reinstated.

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Thank you, first for your work, and second, for your dedication.

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Thank you for sharing the Twitter Space. It was good. Please share more if you can in the future.

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I'm suspended still. Would be there if I could!

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Kelly as I told Karen, above, to try a resolution, as there are algorithms that they have not caught. They need to know that there’s still people out there on the fringe who have not been re-instated. 

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Appealed 3 times. Now I'm less interested. Thank you, J Debra

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Where do you live? I'm in the US...

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I live in the Los Angeles area

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There really wasn't much choice, it was a scam from it's beginning.

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I don't bother with twitter anymore. Newsletters I'm slowly weaning off of. I used to think they were the alternative to fake news and a few still are. Mad Patriot and I worked together there are a couple more. Substacks are the truth, 100% no lies or biases. I got this from a friend who got it from another source, it may work for someone.

As a strong and integrous person, what can you do to limit the impact of the degradation of free speech on your own life?

First, speak up about what you know to be true—even if no-one else is speaking up, even if there are risks to you. Develop the courage to call a spade a spade. If you see insanity—in your workplace, in politics, in your home—call it out openly and honestly. You’ll sleep better at night. You’ll also become stronger through the act of speaking out. Speaking takes courage, but it also creates courage.

Second, seek out people who disagree with you. Listen to them. Go further; try to be persuaded by them. Skewer your sacred cows and let go of your ideology. Neither one is serving you.

Third, banish forever (if you haven’t yet) the infantile notion that words are violence. This notion is profoundly damaging, because it makes you weak. If mere disagreement can hurt you, after all, then so can everything else in life. So will everything else in your life. Instead, embrace the adage of the Stoics: other people are responsible for their actions, you are responsible for your response. Once you embrace the idea that mere words—whether vicious or merely heterodox—cannot hurt you, you are on the path to emotional strength and groundedness.

Fourth, don’t let yourself become a “tribe of one.” It’s easy, in this environment of chilled speech, to always feel scared to speak up. Find a group of friends who encourage you to speak your truth, and who speak their truth in return to you. Find people who aren’t afraid to share heterodox ideas and to challenge your sacred cows, nor to have their own challenged in return.

Find a group you’d trust to have your back in a firefight, and who will love you and expect you to have theirs in turn.

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The Supreme Court of the US can determine if the amendments to the WHO Treaty violate the rights of US citizens, and nullify the amendments and Treaty!

Article VI of the Constitution only provides that treaties can be considered equal to U.S. statutes and laws when considered by the Court. However, they cannot be used to alter the U.S. Constitution, or to deny Constitutional rights to American citizens, or to the American states. Therefore, even if the U.N. Small Arms Treaty is finalized, signed by the President, and ratified by the U. S. Senate, it would not take away the rights of Americans to keep and bear arms under the provisions of the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution.


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I think that SCOTUS will see that but will they have the guts to say no?

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They had the guts to overturn Roe Vs Wade!

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It was built on a lie to begin with. And Planned Parenthood had been getting rich still is on first black genocide then spectrum genocide. Did they have an alternative?

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I've been banned from 'Twatter' for life because I dared to share that the jabs are part of the globalist predator technocrat ruling class psychopath genocidal/depopulation/eugenics agenda with TOTAL SLAVERY for the survivors. When Musk bought the thing - still banned.

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Amy I told Karen above that you can try a resolution with Twitter, as there are algorithms that I believe they have missed, and they need to know there’s people on the fringe that are still not reinstated. 

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Me too, Amy

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I'm still banned on Twitter for spreading truth a few years back. I guess Elon hasn't gotten to my name yet in terms of freeing people in the Twitter space.

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Hello I'm in. Been listening Cowen/Lanka and countless others. Mullis.

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