Well. Gees Elise you really went for the gold. You didn’t have to defend your life choices so hard. Let this reprehensible man suggest that we have the government and economy we deserve. This is precisely where abandoning the Constitution has brought us. The men and women you so ardently want to get a seat in Washington do hate the limit…
Well. Gees Elise you really went for the gold. You didn’t have to defend your life choices so hard. Let this reprehensible man suggest that we have the government and economy we deserve. This is precisely where abandoning the Constitution has brought us. The men and women you so ardently want to get a seat in Washington do hate the limits that the Constitution and B of R place on them. Only power corrupts like that. So today we have among others a long list of attack vectors silently corroding a once great nation. Continual wars of Empire. Bio wars. Border wars and a Capitol full of traitors, who love and exploit the low voter turn out by the way, and all the good intentions of Moms and Dads who together have filled their two car garages, basements and storage sheds with the fruits excess.
Isn’t America great.
All the while we have been playing and watching games, entertained and amused by Hollywood and TikToc, the enemy, aided and comforted by goody two shoes NGO’s and churches has made its way into our neighborhoods. Never write another check to the Red Cross.
Dug out Canoe loads.
Bus loads. Trainloads. And now plane loads overflying the borders hauling human cargo scum deep into the nations interior, filling hotels and Colonias in border states, all while we sleep. All the while your attempt to defend your civic duty to “get out the vote” has ignorantly brought about what we are seeing. Soon to show up in a neighborhood like yours. The enemy has had 100 years to infiltrate and exploit the nation. Migration is a loaded gun aimed at our very existence.
145 nations, already among us. All seeking asylum…? hardly. ALL of the political class share deep and damning culpability.
In spite of all your scripture pissing attempts to persuade let me remind you the United States is a Gentile nation like all the others, without God and without hope in the world. Despite what it says on our currency. The US will be judged and broken along with the other Gentile nations. Soon. On the Divine calendar we are in the end of the 6th day.
The only nation with a god is Israel.
By the way that old standard
II Chron 7:14 so tearfully trotted out at numberless civic events and holidays in churches is directed at Israel ALONE. Has zero to do with any Gentile nation.
Never has. Salvation today is personal. Individual. God is NOT saving and disciplining nations today. Yet ahead but not today.
Happy you homeschooled your kids. Let’s hope they have also learned to take up arms to defend themselves and very soon.
Teaching them to be conscientious voters and Rah Rah “We’re Number One” sloganeers may well get them put in FEMA camps during this present war. The nation has enough ignorant citizens and although yours may be smart there is no end to stupid behaviour. Perhaps you as well are unaware there is a presently a massive psychological information influence operation going on. All news coming out of DC is theater. And Ukraine as well.
A distraction. KAFABE. And focusing on that arena will ultimately get millions killed. As I have said, you want to see hate, and ignorance, look no further than our political class. I am the very least of your problems. Stay alert.
Well. Gees Elise you really went for the gold. You didn’t have to defend your life choices so hard. Let this reprehensible man suggest that we have the government and economy we deserve. This is precisely where abandoning the Constitution has brought us. The men and women you so ardently want to get a seat in Washington do hate the limits that the Constitution and B of R place on them. Only power corrupts like that. So today we have among others a long list of attack vectors silently corroding a once great nation. Continual wars of Empire. Bio wars. Border wars and a Capitol full of traitors, who love and exploit the low voter turn out by the way, and all the good intentions of Moms and Dads who together have filled their two car garages, basements and storage sheds with the fruits excess.
Isn’t America great.
All the while we have been playing and watching games, entertained and amused by Hollywood and TikToc, the enemy, aided and comforted by goody two shoes NGO’s and churches has made its way into our neighborhoods. Never write another check to the Red Cross.
Dug out Canoe loads.
Bus loads. Trainloads. And now plane loads overflying the borders hauling human cargo scum deep into the nations interior, filling hotels and Colonias in border states, all while we sleep. All the while your attempt to defend your civic duty to “get out the vote” has ignorantly brought about what we are seeing. Soon to show up in a neighborhood like yours. The enemy has had 100 years to infiltrate and exploit the nation. Migration is a loaded gun aimed at our very existence.
145 nations, already among us. All seeking asylum…? hardly. ALL of the political class share deep and damning culpability.
In spite of all your scripture pissing attempts to persuade let me remind you the United States is a Gentile nation like all the others, without God and without hope in the world. Despite what it says on our currency. The US will be judged and broken along with the other Gentile nations. Soon. On the Divine calendar we are in the end of the 6th day.
The only nation with a god is Israel.
By the way that old standard
II Chron 7:14 so tearfully trotted out at numberless civic events and holidays in churches is directed at Israel ALONE. Has zero to do with any Gentile nation.
Never has. Salvation today is personal. Individual. God is NOT saving and disciplining nations today. Yet ahead but not today.
Happy you homeschooled your kids. Let’s hope they have also learned to take up arms to defend themselves and very soon.
Teaching them to be conscientious voters and Rah Rah “We’re Number One” sloganeers may well get them put in FEMA camps during this present war. The nation has enough ignorant citizens and although yours may be smart there is no end to stupid behaviour. Perhaps you as well are unaware there is a presently a massive psychological information influence operation going on. All news coming out of DC is theater. And Ukraine as well.
A distraction. KAFABE. And focusing on that arena will ultimately get millions killed. As I have said, you want to see hate, and ignorance, look no further than our political class. I am the very least of your problems. Stay alert.