Not happening anywhere else?

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There is an invite within the article for people to organize their own candlelight vigil. This article/post is to encourage other people around the world to do exactly that!



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We love you, James Roguski.

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Awwwww. Thanks for the love!

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This is hard to admit because 17 million is beyond tragic, but there is still significant denial...the wakening is happening but slow.

Thank-you for all your hard work!

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So much has been 'contaminated' by the recent 'advancements in health' Covid was deliberately manufactured. The injection they call Covid Vax does nothing except harm or mortality for recipients.

The Gates' Corrupted World Health Organisation now ceases to exist. We, the people of the world have spoken!

When will this pre-meditated Mass Murder by injection cease? Too many of us now realise Covid was a deliberately engineered farse, and the DEADLY Covid injection is really a deliberate CULL organised by the many insane WEF 'Insane Elites' for their Global Warming depopulation targets!

In December 2023, an unfairly 'disgraced' UK Member of Parliament, Andrew Bridgen organised a Parliamentary debate with many senior Doctors, EXPERTS, and other 'Anti-Covid Vax HEROES'. The headline topics; Covid, the DEADLY VAX and deliberate 'Excess Deaths' that frequently follow the depopulating Covid injections called 'Vaccines'!

Every Doctor and medical EXPERT in attendance lays out the same truth, but typical (MSM) Mirror media coverage is tainted with the need to describe all these 'highly qualified medical experts' as 'Crackpots'.

It's the financially implicated media's simplest way of pretending the Covid Scamdemic was not a Plan to create a false need for a depopulating injection that the evil injection makers designed to increase their massive wealth whilst depopulating the planet. The desire of the Insane Elite of the New World Order (World Economic Forum) and their 2030 'Great Reset'!

"They (you & me) will own nothing but they will be happy" is the prediction of WEF leader 'Fuehrer' Adolf Schwab!

Adolf Schwab also predicts "Let them eat insects". He, like the other WEF lunatics, is totally insane!"

This insanity will continue as long as DEADLY INJECTION makers enjoy ZERO LIABILITY for the 'Excess Deaths' their injuries are causing."

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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What the effect of the candles and good people being together might do...

A must must ...must see documentary which gives these kind of candle-events total legitimacy and wow-feeling.

THE 1 FIELD - a film by Tsipi Raz


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On the 10th December, there will be also the submission of 599 criminal complaints against the governing criminals, who made possible the implementation of the vaccine mandate for health care and german federal armed forces members. (Obviously the services which have to fall under the spell first. Ask yourself why). It will take place in Karlsruhe, Germany, in front of the Public Prosecutor´s Dept. It is organised by ZAAVV, see on zaavv.com. They have also organised a demonstartion to support their submission. I could tell you how it went and what it worked and how the people felt there.

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I have been wondering when we were going to have this needed ceremony - thankyou so much (again) James for answering this question for me

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America need vigils held in front of the White House, NIH and THE DAMN FED, who ultimately bankrolls all of this nonsense!!

And we need the torches and pitchforks out for “mostly peaceful protests” in Basel,, Switzerland. Why is the den of the beast always spared???

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Thanks for drawing attention to this James. I'll be creating a vigil for Dec 10th, 2024 in memory. Unfortunately, I think the "17 million" dead figure will change quite a bit, and I will be including those that have been permanently disabled/injured as well. When someone dies needlessly, it is a tragedy, but when someone is permanently disabled/damaged, it's for life and doesn't just affect them, but everyone's life around them is also changed forever.😐🤐😭

So in my mind, the numbers need to be dramatically increased to include the billions injured from these shots as well.😤😤🤨

#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Any law that violates the Constitution is null and void, no matter who makes it, and an unconstitutional law “imposes no duties, confers no right, creates no office, bestows no power or authority on anyone, affords no protection, and justifies no acts performed under it” No matter how dire the emergency, the Constitution may not be suspended or violated No government agent or agency has the authority to overrule the local sheriff’s decisions. The sheriff is the ultimate authority and law enforcement power in his or her jurisdiction. FEAR = FORGET EVERYTHING AND RUN -- OR MY CHOICE = FACE EVERYTHING AND RISE --- UNITE --- FAITH = FOR ALL I TRUST HIM --- IN GOD WE TRUST ONE NATION UNDER GOD WE THE PEOPLE MADE THE GOVERNMENT... WE OWN THE GOVT....., THEY DO NOT OWN US....,. THE GOVT., GOT TOO BIG FOR ITS BRITCHES BY TAKING BRIBES, BLOOD MONEY AGAINST US AND USING OUR TAX DOLLARS AGAINST US. TREASON THUS USURPERS ILLEGALS FOR VOTES BECAUSE WE THE MAKERS OF OUR GOD BLESSED AMERICA KNOW THE TRUTH THEREFORE WE MUST UNITE WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED SOLDIERS OF CHRIST FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS TO PREVAIL IN GOD WE TRUST

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~ Dr. Joseph Sansone'


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It was not the covid that killed millions and is still killing people. It was the shots they say they want to depopulate and also they made a lot of money, but they will answer to God for the sin.

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L E S T 🙏🏻 W E 🙏🏻 F O R G E T

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I don't use "X" (Twitter). Is there another way to share the appeal?

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Please feel free to hit the share button, copy the link to this article and share it on any platform you wish.

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17 million, who knows... I am sure we will never know the right number of people who have been killed by "vaccine science" all over the world, is prety impossible. I protest against robert malone's work too, part of the team, who marketed himself as the inventor of mrna vaccines, even he was not awarded (in a way he was, with the trust of people who are following him) maybe because was busy being in "opposition". Vaccines, technology, I realy do not care, I do not believe that humans and animals need that "mRNA" which can be delivered intentionaly into cells, actually doing harm. Nobody project a weapon without the desire of using it. Is needed an end for the part of the modern medicine , science and experimentation which is destroying the life. The political rush to reward some individuals for mRNA vaccine discoveries? it is only for certifying the existence of mrna in the products wrongly called vaccines and distracting the attention from transhumanism nanotechnology.

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I just read an article yesterday, where Malone knew in 1990 that the mRNA was toxic. He's as guilty as all the rest.

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Of course he knew and knows much more than is saying, he is an insider , that is why he kept pushing the jab on the “most vulnerable". All the vaccines are toxic and the point is why our life must be conditioned by them. Or we open the eyes and see and understand very well what is happening or we pretend that we see and find excuses or go over facts and things will be the same forever. War is peace, desease is health, ugly is beautiful and 2+2=5.

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He openly admits this which is why he quit and went on to do other research.

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Yes, but he didn't try to stop others from using and profiting from the mRNA's toxicity. If he developed it, why didn't he put a stop to it?

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He was instrumental in developing it. It’s not a one man job. He was part of a team. He can’t just say, “Oops, this is way more worrisome than I

realized. Pull

the plug.” They’re trying to

do that with AI now. Some Genie’s

can’t be out back

into the bottle, and it isn’t like he was in charge



entire thing. When “the system” is backing you, you

can jump

off if you see

the ride is going astray, but you usually can’t stop the ride. He did just that— jumped off.

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"Did or does Malone still receive royalties from Pfizer and Moderna for any of his 57 mRNA patents, some of which are essential for lipid nanoparticles (there are 1814 patents related to Malone and nanoparticles)?"

I don't know the answer, but the answer to this question would provide the answer to the question of his potential complicity.

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He can do the job better, that is more important than stopping something.

Mantaining the same mantra over and over, virus - pandemic - vaccines - money.


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Once you patent something everyone knows how to make it. When the patent runs out everyone can make it without asking to licence or paying royalty. When Dr Malone did the early research he had hopes it would be useful but over the years every attempt to make something with it has not had good results.

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you just don't get it...he played his murderous hand in designing this weapon and continues to attack/sue anyone speaking the "truth" about those totally involved and responsible - for mass human cull .

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He was involved in early research and never suggested that the covid vaccine should be mandated for anyone as far as I know.

If I invent a knife and it is used to cut apples and kill people your argument would be that I am a murderer. You obviously did not read even the basic post that I linked because you fail to see two sides to the issue, there always are (sometimes more than two).

If you were famous he might sue you for libel too because you repeat unfounded statements as fact that disparage others. You have fallen into the same trap as the Breggins' and hope that I will think this makes your argument factual. It does not.

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It is difficult or actually impossible for me (or you) to know what his motivations were then and what they are now. I do know that he has made a lot of people aware of problems with the platform as it is now for use as a general jab. What I have read he seems like a truthful person. He says he took some of the jabs. If we take this on face value it means he believed others that they were safe until he found out otherwise. If he did not take the jab and lied then you are probably correct, this however is something that will be nearly impossible to confirm.

Perhaps he is opposition, or controlled opposition, or a chaos agent I still believe he has done more good than most other vocal people.

The basic details of the case are laid out in his post here on substack. I have not found a similar rational statement from the opposition that would be credible reading. If you know of one please link. Perhaps they have submitted a rebuttal to the charges, that might explain their position better than the hyperbole and apparently to me defamatory statements that they have made and doubled down on.

So while this case does not change the position of Malone it certainly places the Breggins' into a negative category, at this point it is hard to tell who they serve and what their long term goal is, I think their name is mud but not sure if they were forced into doing it. They made claims that they cannot prove, why?


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I think this is a wonderful idea. It gets the information out in a gentle way to the public who have no clue and continue to take the jabs.

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Canadians are too blind to the facts, nothing being done in Alberta

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I know. I read many of these threads it’s people that already know reading them.

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