From what I’ve read from a Russian Substack writer, Putin has already mandated that Russia will soon switch to an all digital Ruble. Is that not in accordance with a globalist agenda?

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In light of IMF “debt trap” on vulnerable nations as a way of exploitation and as weapon of control and bullying, an alternate means must exist to address these hegemonic payment system. BRICS payment system essentially offers better way for those who have been long exploited. It is fairer and less exploitative on vulnerable nations.

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Thanks James, always reporting in detail what we all need to know, and in the right time too. Thanks!

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If the BRICS digital currency is backed by gold then the BIS gets to have its cake and eat it.

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Backed by Gold …demand your Gold equivalents from the CCP or Russia ..righhht

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Fiat money is pretend money. It has no intrinsic value and can therefore be manipulated to suit the bankers, bureaucrats, and politicians who likewise have no intrinsic value. The BRICS currency will not remain 60% pretend money because the bankers and bureaucrats running it can't stay out of people's business. The next step will be to make it 65% fiat and then, with that precedent set, incrementally unmoor it from anything real, just as the Fed did with the dollar.

I'm encouraging everyone I know and all the local businesses in my small town to at least investigate Goldbacks and Silverbacks. They're real gold and silver deposited between two layers of clear polyester about the size of a dollar bill. Because they contain real 24 karat gold they have real intrinsic value, and because they come in different denominations (in thousandths of an ounce) they can be bought in affordable increments. In five states they're legal tender, and in the others they can be used for barter.

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Goldbacks and Silverbacks are the way to go !

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I can't take much time to go through all this, but...

DIGITAL IS DIGITAL. Anything that isn't REAL, ACTUAL MONEY is going to be subject to being CUT OFF.

What part of concrete, actual, real value is "digital"????

Think about it. I don't think WHERE this happens is the issue, as in, which countries.

I think digital is DOOM. I won't do it.

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Whether it is paper money, digital currency, or even gold, their value is not intrinsic, but comes from people's trust in them. As long as a society agrees that digital currencies or payment methods have value, they function just as well as physical currencies. In fact, most global transactions are digital.

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I agree. I don't really understand digital currency, but I agree digital is not real and is subject to all sorts of manipulations...including by nature, in the case of electrical grid shutdown. I asked a friend, who is strong proponent of Bitcoin the "what if" question. He said glitches in the grid are always temporary, but if such a thing as a prolonged blackout occurred, there's some sort of "radio wave" option which is difficult, but will enable retrieval of money. Hmmm. Really?

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I keep asking crypto fans what will happen to their money when there's no electricity, no grid, and no wifi. If it's digital it's virtual, and if it's virtual it's "not really," and if it's "not really" money it's not even as valuable for trade as seashells and beaver furs.

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lol — Zackly.

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It is good to have this information. Thank you, James. I will be interested in watching this transpire…having China involved gives me the twitchies but I suppose each country has an equal footing with all countries involved. We should be very concerned and vigilant about CBDC as it appears inevitable.

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BRICS as I fear it is planned by the Globalists and still reports to the IMF.

All the countries in BRICS are Communist countries.

And them WEF CFR Zionist Jews Globalists want ASTANA as the world capitol and Communism to replace Freedom and they use Brics to sell us communism.

Clever as they are Evil.


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Kinda leaves the United States out doesn't it?

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No doubt that is the huge impending collapse for us here. See the video? Quite clear that this will definitely cause economic crisis, if not only panic from all the big $$$ holders. Of course, it trickles all the way down to the most vulnerable living below poverty levels already. Not a good sign, being that bricks “encourages” other countries to join in- since most of the world appears to follow the same commie agendas as their supposed counterparts. Suddenly. Unexpectedly. No surprise here.

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Good points.

And... WAY below the poverty level...

But, even those with funds, it's hard to survive without FOOD. We ain't seen nuthin' yet.

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I like its ideas of decentralization. I would like it more if we were us decentralizing our own system vs supporting the BRICS system. As inviting as it is, I will not use the BRICS system.

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I agree. Towns and AREAS.

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Wonder why the dollar has been getting stronger? It sure isn't running scared.

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I hardly believe it's getting stronger!!!

We keep giving it all to Ukraine and Israel... Shiiiiiiit.

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Interest rates

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'Decentralized' - to a 10 nation bloc

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Can I use their system from Canada or Costa Rica?

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Or, from South America... Forget about Bra, Il for now... I've just had a quick chat about Brics with som Brazilian friends... Their eyes are smiling which I see as a good and positive sign 🤗

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That's not a great way to understand global political intrigue, sorry.

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I am. Confident it's a great way as. I've no money anyway 😊

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This isn't good either...They're deceptive about this whole thing. Also, I believe they're all players in this including the USA..they want to destroy the dollar...I am not for this either. I believe this was once called Obsidian.

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They are all players. Off course... The world doesn't stop spinning just because it's not all about dollar!

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