Please help to locate the official contact information for the people who purportedly represented the 34 nations who are attending these meetings as members of the Executive Board and share that contact information in the comment section below...

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Your dedication to this tyranny is well received James. Thank you so much.

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The Danish (Denmark) delegate is:

Jonas Egebart (dir@sst.dk / +45 72227537)


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Take em down, right the fuck Now! With a Legal Accountable Punishment of Death or life Imprisonment!

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If you watch carefully this video of Tedros and crew, there is a lot of mentioning about getting the ball rolling as they have such a short time. Of course these filthy scum of the earth do. In June this planet is going to be so terra-formed there will be stuff all left that's recognizable. Its apparently June 1st - 7th time frame. After 3600 years of a circuit, Nibiru is coming back to visit. This star is also bigger than us, and its arc will be between us and Venus, and its point of the arc will be Papua New Guinea. No wonder this filth lot want to be set up by May, its also to get themselves underground in secure comfort and when the peanut butter hits the fan, they will be alright jack, but we wont!

We will face a depleted earth thanks to these Elitists. When this Star comes close (may or may not directly hit but will have some power even if it did miss us), we are going to be subjected to Volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, earthquakes, and anything lower than 800m above sea level will be flooded. Where I live will likely be a minimum of 750 feet above my home.

But it is a sense I am getting now, these dirty mongrels will apply a lock down before then so no one will be able to run to higher ground. Stupidly the military will attempt to control us to stay at home, they will undoubtedly have no idea what the hell is coming.

This star is the "wormwood" of Revelation 8:11.

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if you like "lockdowns", you'll love the new Pandemic Treaty

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And, please do not mistake our Constitutional Law with the comical texts the criminals wrote in the course of so many years to make possible the coup that they are acting now, this is no law. And I´m not amused.

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I cannot help in locating the official contacts. But, since you talk about Geneva, which is in the Switzerland, I´m proud and glad to tell you about a movement under the Swiss people to free their national rights from the influence of the EU, the WHO and their likes. Here is the link:


Unfortunately, they didn´t translate it into English, I can´t imagine why. The Swiss are "particular", I hope I´ve chosen the right word, I´m very sorry if not. But I like their particularity :-) I like their way to speak and so much other things about them. Maybe there are some Swiss people under your readers or someone who knows a Swiss woman or man living in their neigbourhood and could talk to them. Maybe they would like to watch the video under the link above.

I can translate it into English, I´ve got time. They call that what they do "Swiss Sovereignty Initiative" and I have the feeling they mean it seriously. The core statement is: We, in our own country, have our own laws and rights. The WHO, the EU etc are not wellcome to come and usurp them. We will hold to our basic rights as they are mentioned in our national Constitution and will not yield.

It sounds healthy in my ear. Our national constitutions are the straws to clutch at. Our national constitutions are good for the people, not for the criminals. This is why they are so keen on destroying the national states. So hold to your basic rights as stated in your own Constitution, it is your only protection. There is another possibility to win, but it is harder to realize, though it is much more powerful than a straw. But a straw is better then the WHO.

So if you know someone who understands German, please pass the link to them, maybe they would be grateful you´ve done it. Thank you! Irina

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Mr Blair Exell

Deputy Secretary, Health Strategy, First Nations and Sport Group, Department of Health and Aged Care, Scarborough House, Atlantic Street, Woden ACT 2601

GPO Box 9848, CANBERRA, ACT 2601


02 62891016

Ms P. Hagedorn

Assistant Director, Multilateral Health Branch, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade,

R G Casey Building, John McEwen Crescent, Barton ACT 0221.


61 2 6261 1111

No information to date on P. Hagedorn.

Fleur Davies - Assistant Secretary - Multilateral Health Branch, Global Health Division, DFAT.


61 2 6261 1111

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I would like to know the names of the Notions wgihr do not support this, apart from Hungary - how can we support them

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Reiner Fuellmich is being held in a high-security prison in Germany for many weeks and I am just finding this out now… unbelievable. Everyone should be aware of this.


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As with all media, partly true, partly false. The WGIHR is about to completely fail to meet their January 27 deadline to submit their final "package of targeted amendments in alignment with Article 55." I saw no mention of that in the meeting or in the Guardian's article.

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Thanks for that James. Much appreciated.

What does "The WGIHR is about to completely fail to meet their January 27 deadline" mean in practical terms?

Are the IHR amendments DOA or is that too soon to celebrate yet?

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I don't know if these people listed were there but these are the website information for Hungary:

Permanent Mission of Hungary to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva


Permanent Mission of Hungary to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva

Rue du Grand-Pré 64-66 (6th Floor)

1202 Geneva

Phone Number: +41 22 346 51 65 +41 22 346 03 23

Fax Number: +41 22 346 58 61

Website: https://ensz-genf.mfa.gov.hu/

Email address: gva.missions@mfa.gov.hu

National Day: 23 October


Margit Szűcs, Ambassador, Permanent Representative

Email: mission.gva@mfa.gov.hu Permanent Mission of Hungary to the UN and WTO, Geneva

Ms. Edit Gina Hajdu-SZABÓ

Third Secretary (WHO, ITU, ILO, Digital Affairs)

Mr. Attila HAJDU

Ms. Petra Nikolett HARALAMBUSZ

Attaché (Humanitarian Affairs, WHO, ITU, ILO)

Ms M. Géher

Policy Officer, Department for European Health, Social and Educational Affairs, Ministry of Interior Budapest

e-mail: mission.wto@mfa.gov.hu

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