The dam has got to break. This is insanity when people think jabs are going to save the world because they aren't. Now they are turning children into experiments. Sounds like WWII. Stop making viruses. Stop trying to outdo mother nature. Stop fear mongering. Stop farma. When will people see farma only makes things worse. Advertise a healthy diet, exercise and good sleep. Advertise a cure via homeopathy with a qualified homeopath. It works. It's the biggest secret that farma doesn't want you to know about.

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Unbelievable!! thanks for your research James and your attention to good writing. Eventually people will realize they have to stand up.

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After the last 4.5 years of lies by the WHO, CDC, FDA, NIH, NIAID, and pharma, would you give your children this poison shot?

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Hell to the No! And no Other of their proven poisons, Either!

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The trials will be totally faked and the serum declared safe and effective. Then the injuries and deaths will be well hidden as they always are. Gates and his crew of deadly monsters loves experimenting on Africans as does fauci.

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Well, of course they’re experimenting on the African population again. That’s their MO.

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Kill Gates playground

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Thank you.

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Belgian Luc Debruyne is one of the Members of the board since 2023 of Bavarian Nordic.


He is also a Strategic Advisor at CEPI.

It is again a GATES - GATES - GATES- incestuous connection manipulating the whole world to make money out of all of us.

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It looks like Bav Nordic was a sitting duck, and moneypox the big gun. BN had a very poor 2023 stock presence; looking awesome for 2024 though. Shareholders will be partying up a storm by now, I imagine.

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Here we go again! And I thought this horse had left the barn... sniff, sniff.

I wonder how many will be duped and get shot... I mean get THE shot.

They're trying to take out more Africans... I hope the Africans are able to smell the puckey.

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They would love to have control of their resources no doubt. You would think africa would run when they see people in white coats by now.

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I’m sure some of them DO. But here in the US, there’s a lot of coverup, and not everybody HERE runs away from white coats, either. I don’t know! But I DO know not everyone in Africa welcomes white people with vaccines. And I do believe that in India, where much harm and death was caused by Bill Gates and HIS vaccines, he’s wanted for MURDER. I can’t say that that is a fact, but I’ve read that in more than one spot.

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Evil Gates foundation is involved, what they did in Africa is shocking and here they go again. The leaders of these countries must be loving the bribes.

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With big bold letters, we need billboards and posters everywhere ( am not a funder!) proclaiming:

DO NOT TRUST ANY INJECTIONS FROM THE DISHONEST PURVEYORS OF INJECTION MEDICINE` Your skin is there to protect you from foreign materials.

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"Murder by Injection" is a very telling tale.

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If monkey pox is a sexually transmitted disease, they shouldn't be testing it on children!

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It's not a DISEASE, it's a FRAUD.

Are you aware that not ONE virus has ever been isolated? Nope, not ever.

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Maybe its 'cover' for all the sudden and unexpected weird "adverse effects"....

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All KINDS of effery going on, but I am strongly of the view that "viruses" were a mistake. I've read a great deal about this, just saying. I don't imagine that any weird "adverse effects" were ever UNEXPECTED. I find that most people are unwilling to comprehend the EVIL that is upon us right now... It's hard to absorb the truth of that.

But the truth about how things work here on this amazing planet Earth is so beautiful, and such an amazing gift, it's mind-blowing, and the Love that we are given is beyond our comprehension. So that alone shoves me right down the No Virus road. Then there's all the very intelligent and actual SCIENCE, not to mention all the uncovering of the LIES we've been told, alllll this hell in the name of MONEY for a few... Well. I can't come to you to twist your arm, but can hope that something will resonate for you, and suggest that you continue to question... xo

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It originally was but apparently no longer, read a bit of the history here:


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What happens is, hopefully, everyone is wise enough to BOYCOTT the damn shot.

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What could possibly go wrong here, after all they have ONLY the best interest of public health @ the core of their work, right?

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After 4+ years, you need to be more strategic and attack the problem at it's source: the fundamental, fraudulent premise that all genocidal pharma companies reLIE on - the demonstrably false virus and germ hypotheses. I say 'hypotheses' rather than theories because a theory requires a certain level of unfalsifiable proof - something these specious suppositions have never, ever demonstrated in their century-long existence.

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Consider that the popular "no virus" hypothesis may in fact be a psyop which is serving its purpose.: dividing the vax opponents.

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Consider that your hypothesis is a psyop designed to make people doubt the obvious truth.

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Nope. Read Christine Massey's page on SS. She's a Biostatician. She's sent out HUNDREDS of FOIA Requests for evidence of isolation of a LOT of different viruses, and there has NEVER been ONE that's been isolated. Not ONE! Even the CDC couldn't come up with anything. It's called FRAUD. Why? MONEY, of course.

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How do you account for gain of function actual patents?

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You are doing what you should be doing: Asking Questions!

"Actual patents" in my view, are no longer what they used to be. I read something a couple of years ago, and sorry, I don't keep track of everything I see, and I don't even remember Everything, but I DO remember reading about how the DOD/DARPA guys, who were the ones who came up with this lovely jab full of incredibly toxic material, went to the Patent Office-- they actually patented "SarsCov-II" which means it's a man-made thing, as patents cannot (or this USED to be the case, I don't know) be had for NATURAL, as in, made by Nature, things... The Patent Office people didn't want to be involved but they were made to comply, and some of them quit, I believe. All hush-hush, then. So NOW, who the hell knows what's what anymore, when the Patent Office has been infiltrated. Our govt. has been infiltrated, the FDA, CDC, all these formerly citizen-protection bodies are INFILTRATED. Or most of them, anyway. Remember how a LOT of people resigned from FDA and other agencies back in 2020 and after? A very clear and present DANGER from these Globalists taking over everything...

So back to Gain of Function... I'm not convinced that there is ANY "gain of function" going on, all this talk about mRNA and so forth... There's no proof of this that I've ever come across, and I read a lot. But that doesn't mean there isn't something to it.

What IS going on, and this is provable, is that these jabs, and ALL jabs, it seems, are full of really nasty toxins, such as Graphene, Mercury, lots of Aluminum, formaldehyde, and other really despicable things... for "shelf life"? Maybe. But they are TOXINS. That is what is going on, not some fancy DNA changer... I could be wrong, but so far, that's what I conclude after reading and listening to a lot of experts.

Remember this: There are two Mighty Tools used by usurpers and coup instigators (like the CIA and DARPA) and those tools are 1) FEAR, and 2) DIVIDE and CONQUER.

Create fear, panic, especially with something that's invisible and LETHAL (even pretend "lethal") and you've got a lot of people willing to do just about anything they're told. And when people go into that fear mode-- I call it "lizard brain" thinking, they are no longer rational, they are ruled by their internal panic. That's why we saw so many people FIGHTING, and trying to FORCE everyone to wear a mask, which is a ludicrous response anyway, considering the fact that IF these tiny little things previously known as "viruses" were actually flying around in the air and attacking people and killing them, wearing a blue & white mask, or a cloth mask, to keep "safe" would be like trying to keep a ping pong ball from flying through a hula hoop. That's how tiny we're talking! But since I mentioned this... The "virus" is actually a case of mistaken identity, as it turns out, an ASSUMPTION made by unscientific scientists who just forgot what the hell science actually IS. These teeny little critters are made by our BODIES, as a sort of janitor, to help to clean out toxins or debris, as in dead cells... They don't fly at you and invade. In fact, it seems to be the case that there are NO GERMS at all! Another assumption! That what is going on when we experience "attacks" on us is actually the body's response to some kind of toxin, like foul water, pesticide, dead tissue, VACCINES, etc, that are harmful and need to be "cleaned up." When we get into the real science, it turns out that our bodies are AMAZING and incredibly, beautifully well-made things, that give us an idea of the intricacy of our creation, how things are MADE TO LAST, lol. I find it very difficult to believe that whatever/whoever our Creator is, it is something beyond "Good" it is something AWESOME and I can only think of one way to describe it, and that is something like, Pure, Absolute Love. That word we use so often and so casually--- "Awesome" --- is really best used for something so beyond our understanding that we are struck dumb with AWE...

You must understand, and if you don't, keep digging... We are living in a period where all kinds of DECEPTION is rife. The govt is utterly corrupt (look at what we're paying for in Gaza!) I've not been someone who easily accepts these old tales of some kind of war between Good and Evil-- until recently.

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Thank youword heer for a thoghtful and respectf repy. Re: the patent: ths is one of several identified by Dr. David martin, whose company researches patents as its business!

Put US Patent number 7,279.327 B2 Oct 9, 2007 into asearchengine. Go to the top right for PDF and youwill find : "METHODS FO PRODUCINIG RECOMBINANT CORONAVIRUS"

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I knoooooooooooooooooooooooowwoooooooooo! NOw I speek Doggish to you. SO you donut feel bad no mo.

Lotta peeps feel Dr. Martin is Controlled Opp. Mebbe he is, I donut CARE, but I fink he DOES say truthy fings, whatever. There ARE patents on dis stuff, so, WTF?! The Covi is a fraug, and the jab is a COUNTER MEASURE, ie, a weapon. DAT's da stuff to rememble.

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Whoops. I'm embarrassed by my typos. I know better, really!

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Whoops, it jumped out before I could correct my typos and add: that among the inventors was the infamous Ralph Baric, and this patent was assigned to Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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