Keep up the good work.

Remember that the internet is mostly fake and warping people's minds, find out how in my podcast here:


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This stuff is way too complicated [BY DESIGN] and way too CONVOLUTED which means it must be REJECTED and Torn to SHREADS.

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Where's the public debate over human patenting and genetic manipulation?

They refuse to even mention human patenting. In the 2013 Myriad case, SCOTUS ruled in favor of patenting humans provided that they carry synthetic genes. The c-vax patents have plenty of synthetic genes, yet not a single conversation over patenting humans? Not one politician calling for gene sampling? No politicians calling for accountability, even though the EUA was violated and the law is being withheld from the people?

The c-vax patents cite technology to cross the BBB, shut down the immune system, install carbon nanotubes, C1orf134 secretory peptide, and an absolute multitude of others. In fact, a single patent carries 552 patent citations and lists 1500 peptides; just covid though.

C1ORF134 sits in the 1p36 cytogenic band. It is where 1p36 Deletion Syndrome occurs, and the gene was removed from gene banks.

There are technologies that mimic bacteria, yeast and prions, so how does a vaccinated person know if they have a bacterial infection or an incurable mimic? Are there even hospital diagnostics that differentiate?

Get protections from human patenting!

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N.Ireland Dept of Health currently has proposals out for consultation which implement the IHR amendments and remove most, if not all, of our civil liberties. I will be providing details shortly--but try this for a taster.

• The person be removed to a hospital or other suitable establishment;

• the person be detained in a hospital or other suitable establishment;

• the person be kept in isolation or quarantine;

• the person be disinfected or decontaminated;

• the person wear protective clothing;

• the person provide information or answer questions about the person’s health or other circumstances;

• the person’s health be monitored and the results reported;

• the person attends training or advice sessions on how to reduce the risk of infecting or contaminating others;

• the person be subject to restrictions on where the person goes or with whom the person has contact;

the person abstains from working or trading

plus forced vaccinations, forced entry, confiscation. It could NOT be worse.

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go to citizengo.org scroll through till you find a petition stop the who,s accelerated push to finalise the pandemic treaty be sure to read it carefully then you will understand just how serious things are..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely from any country in the world but be warned when resharing it dont bother using you tube/twitter/gestapo book who you can be sure will suppress it it currently has over 208000 signatures it urgently needs many more

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What about the Sustains Act??? Same thing as Natural Asset Class con now they use an ACT to not only come for public lands but PRIVATE PROPERTY. See Courtenay Turner's reporting on substack and recent video on Rumble on The Medical Rebel channel with Dr. Lee Merritt. Thanks for your work James. They don't want us to be able to keep up but we WILL!

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TY for this article and your hard work. Lazy Americans have not a clue what this really means and most don't give a SHIT until it's done & too late! Sad but True! 😔

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We ain't ALL dat way.

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This is a good read, if anyone is interested:

MEDICATION GUIDE ACAM2000® Smallpox and Mpox (Vaccinia) Vaccine - https://www.fda.gov/media/75800/download - found on the main article 'ACAM2000' https://www.drugs.com/acam2000.html

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Thank you.

My approach is this: NEVER get any kind of inoculation, EVER, for any reason. Just don't do it.

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I read this and this is unbelievable but the STUPID you just can't help no matter! How many do you think they will kill w this little jewel?

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One Health/one health

Rockefeller coined term in 2004


https://www.oneworldonehealth.org/sept2004/owoh_sept04.html and https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(15)60901-1/fulltext

Jews again.

Controlling the UN and all its agencies (WHO inclusive)

name them or die

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"Black Nobility," "Illuminati," ".0001%" and so on. They don't like to be NAMED, they think they're unknown and soooo very clever, but they're all inbred psychopaths. THEY are the ones behind all the ones we think are behind all the Evil. THEY NEED TO GO.

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Cant remember a law made especially not to talk about THEY.

I know of many laws prohibiting me naming the jew.

End of argument.

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Most of them are unknown.

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It's not "Jews." Yes, some of these people are Jews, some are other types, but it's not "THE JEWS." You show your ignorance and you perpetuate a VILE MYTH that is stupid and harmful.

Who is behind all this evil?

It's the FILTHIEST, MOST PATHOLOGICALLY EVIL, HIDEOUSLY PSYCHOPATHIC, RICHER THAN RICH. They are descendents of the ROMANS, who have scapegoated the Jews for all this time, and Bibi and his freaks aside, the Jews are not the Bad Guys any more than anybody else. This is a demonic cult that may have originally started with the ancient Persians. Now go to Frances Leader's page, "Uncensored," who explains it all, and a lot of other stuff as well.

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Harmful to whom?

ZOG bot detected.

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We need to keep up the pressure against the WEF. The WHO is under that umbrella. Getting out of the Paris Agreement, is also another agreement to get out of. This is exactly WHY the government is after Trump. He wants to bring all of this forward and stop it. A reminder for everyone. With Israeli government exploding pagers, cell phones and satellite phones (just today) it can start happening here in the U.S. I read a document in 2015 where people spoke at the UK Parliament, people talking about how "Smart Meters can be used as bombs." "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars." You can add vaccinations into this category. Dear God....

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Hey James, I watched a news video that a handful of GOP lawmakers who will be doing what they can to stop this from going forward. 60 senators needed to yay or nay this. They said Biden can’t do it without congress approving it. Do you think they will get the votes to stop this?

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Which video do you watch? Please share the link.

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YT, Forbes Channel. From 2 days ago.

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You mean there are actually GOP members that want to actually do something for the people?!

They’ve done squat for the J6 prisoners out of fear for their own a**es. I just heard there are six house republicans that have agreed to uphold the 2024 election results…and it hasn’t even happened yet!! Pansies 😠

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Thank you for your update much appreciated! This UN WHO WEF global pandemic death/slave agenda has to be spread far and wide to normies as the only ones aware of any of this are the so called conspiracy theorists who ARE paying very close attention indeed to every minute detail of this while the masses remain blissfully ignorant.

We need SOS SOS SOS sent out to politicians and Senators to inform those that are not so well informed themselves about this as the document itself is very very very long and detailed requiring much time for an in depth analysis to review it.

To those that have sold us out you will face the consequences if not in this lifetime then in the next. What goes around always seems to come back around… what I have observed during my lifetime here on earth anyway.

To those of us in the know, whatever you can do within your own sphere and circumstances to raise the alarm please do.

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we can't save idiots from their own ignorance. If they are non vegan they are showing they don't care and with their actions. Words fly.

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F*k the WHO! I do not consent, and I will not consent!

The question is actually, why they spend so much time on this while they can already do with us what they want anyway anytime anywhere thanks to all the nano stuff in combination with 5G and 6G:






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because all that is BS by controlled opposition to keep you stuck believing you have no power.

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Let’s suppose they’re in charge of the health of the Earth’s population. When Covid first became known, Tedros came out and said that the China virus could not be transmitted human to human. Hmmmm……and Biden/Kamala and many other countries think Tedros/WHO ought to be in charge? One misspoken sentence could kill millions? Billions? Who would even want that responsibility? Could it possibly be they’re trying to kill millions? Billions? Well being part of the New World Order, the Great Reset, the Grande Cabal, they have actually advocated for depopulation. When I first heard them saying that 1 billion population would be ideal, my question has always been what are you going to do with the 7 billion? Is is really that difficult to connect the dots?

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No, it really isn’t that difficult to connect the dots.


I personally believe that is the correct answer.

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the virus theory was never proven by real science. Pharma is just new age fake science.

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