I continue to encourage all of my readers to do your homework.

The purpose of this post was to help find good candidates AT EVERY LEVEL who are publicly in favor of exiting the WHO.

If anyone can find video evidence of any candidate, on any level, publicly endorsing H.R. 79, then please post the link so that we can consider supporting that candidate.

Please explore The Green Papers to find good candidates ON EVERY LEVEL

If a candidate has recently and clearly advocated for exiting the WHO, please provide EVIDENCE.

HEARSAY and wishful thinking doesn't cut it with me. Please provide EVIDENCE in the form of a video clip or a link to a candidate's policy position on their campaign website PROVING any claims regarding any candidate that currently advocates exiting the WHO.

I will be HAPPY to prominently display any such EVIDENCE.


It is possible that he has published an official public statement advocating that the U.S. #ExitTheWHO. If you can find it, please reply to this comment and share the link.


Please don't claim that Trump got us out of the WHO. THAT IS NOT WHAT HAPPENED!! You should recognize political theater when you see it. Trump started a one year process to exit the WHO with only 6 months left in office. The U.S. never left the WHO. Trump gave millions to GAVI and continues to promote his Warp Speed Defense Department biological weaponized jabs. Arguably, he is primarily responsible for countless deaths. WTFU.

UPDATE - OCTOBER 17, 2023 - Donald Trump released a video today on TruthSocial in which he made a statement regarding his campaign's policy position regarding the WHO. A lot of it was typical Trump, but some of it was music to my ears. As promised, I have updated this article and prominently displayed Trump's public statement.


Kennedy has stated that he would follow the WHO, CDC, NIH quarantine protocols and would negotiate with the WHO. Anyone who says that they "believe" Kennedy would exit the WHO is projecting their wishful thinking.

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I have just emailed Dr Shiva to ask him if he supports H.R. 79. If he replies I will let you know what the answer is.

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That is exactly the action that I hope other people will take with all of the candidates listed in the Green Papers.

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Thank you James, if not for you I wouldn't know about any of this! I hope lots of other people will do this too. I will email all those 53 who are doing the right thing too. I think that's very important. I'm glad you mentioned it.

I'm taking note of where these 53 are located and I noticed that not a single one is from South Dakota. A lot of people think after 2020 nonsense that South Dakota is one of the better states because the governor never made illogical and illegal 'mandates' for masking. From something I saw, I think on the Green Papers site this is her last term (they must have term limits there), so she won't be governor after her term ends. Then what happens, with not a single supporter of H.R. 79?

No reply from Dr Shiva yet. Not even an acknowledgement that he has received my email. That should be an easy thing to set up for someone claiming to have invented email. He could use a vacation auto-responder for it. But then of course, it doesn't matter if he never gets back to people. We'll see if he ever replies. I don't get a good feeling from him, but I get a far worse feeling from every other candidate.

My guess, my intuition is that this selection season they are going to install RFK Jr. Too many people are hoodwinked by him. I have seen interviews with him which if people took the time to watch and actually listen they would realize he does not stand for what they think he does.

Some people are so non-thinking that they are saying things along the lines of, "if he's going independent that's good enough for me. This 2 party system has to go." I agree, not just the 2-party system, but the entire process has to go. But too many people are so simplistic that they think the guy who bucks the system in some tiny way is going to be their savior and do everything better. The liberals are now falling for what the conservatives fell for in 2016 with Trump. Some conservatives will vote for this lifelong democrat, who still has firmly held democrat beliefs and values (and thinks we have a democracy) because he's not flying the blue flag, he's 'independent').

Today I saw some commenters saying that they hope RFK Jr picks Tulsi Gabbard as his running mate. Some are positing that since they are good friends who go hiking together that she will be top of his list for running mates. I think, great we have a major in the military who worked for a psyop department pairing up with the guy who says he will follow WHO guidelines, is adamant that he is not anti-vaccine, and he thinks vaccines should be mandated IF they are show to be safe (yeah, who's making that determination about 'safe'?), who assures us he doesn't want to take our guns away, but if a non-partisan bill comes across his desk to do so he'll sign it, and when asked about climate change deniers gets really angry and says they should be thrown in jail. Nice, that's just what we need - sounds like those two will make everything better for us. Oh, and he's going to kiss Israel's ass no matter what.

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It's great that you all in South Dakota have for governor such a paragon of Christian Family Values. She abhors hypocrisy, and discretion as well, because her years-long extra-marital humpfest with Corey Lewandowski was common knowledge.

When finally questioned publicly, instead of addressing the abundant evidence of her longstanding affair, she claimed it all was an attack on her children. "Now the media is trying to destroy my children" - Two of the three grown and out of the house.

Strong GASLIGHTING Kristi.

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I've never been to South Dakota, and I don't follow the news there so I can't comment on that. I just know what I have already stated.

I'm not sure the point you are trying to make, but it doesn't seem relevant to anything I said or the point of this substack.

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James, about Trump's video about exiting the WHO, it is good news to hear, and maybe he is following your Substack, since it is such an important issue. It was not surprising to me, since he'd given notice he was exitings the WHO in Spring of 2020. Either way, it's reassuring.

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James...One Presidential Candidate, and former President DID stop paying The W.H.O on 4/20, and took steps to get us out of the WHO by signing the formal docs, on 7/20. Unfortunately, the doc only serves as a notice, and would have been completed 1 yr later... but Biden won in a landslide. Some say no cheating happened too. We have proof it was a stolen election...The AZ audit is the only full forensic audit, with documented proof, memorialized in the book "Countdown to Chaos" on amazon.

First link here is Trump exiting the WHO https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2020/07/07/888186158/trump-sets-date-to-end-who-membership-over-its-handling-of-virus

Next link describes the latest details of election RICO crimes. https://rumble.com/v3q2wod-arizona-senate-elections-and-house-oversight-deep-dive-w-supporting-forensi.html

Stoping stolen elections is linked to the ability to Stop The WHO

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Yes, for a brief time we were told that the US was not funding the WHO (because of Trump), but at the same time he basically gave all that money to GAVI and the Gates Foundation. In my view all Trump did was cut out the middle man (the WHO), and give the money directly to the parasite eugenicist Gates. That made it very clear to me that what Trump does is all for optics and marketing purposes. His pushing of the vaccine and proudly claiming that he's the 'father of the covid 19 vaccine' were just further proof that he's just playing us. I don't know how people can still believe that he's got our best interests at heart.

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I would add that during the same timeframe of his announcing and exit from the WHO, he held publicly aired conferences, and invited people, including a State Rep, to tell of the HCQ that gave them relief from the CV19 within just hours. He only stopped speaking on the cures after his brother died in a hospital 8/20, and 9/20 he himself was taken to the infamous hospital in Bethesda Md, where the "treatment" caused him to remain silent on the cures for corona con. Read the book on the stolen election..cause in 2/20, the rig was already planned, as the ballots were being produced in far greater numbers than in our history, and far ahead of anyone speaking about mail in ballots for Nov 2020. The country had not shut down at this point, not until 4/20. Why order more ballots, when HHS said we'd all be dead soon? Sheriff's are our only hope for a remedy

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Disgusting! How did it get so bad? How wasn’t this corruption caught years ago?

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UPDATE - OCTOBER 17, 2023 - Donald Trump released a video today on TruthSocial in which he made a statement regarding his campaign's policy position regarding the WHO. A lot of it was typical Trump, but some of it was music to my ears. As promised, I have updated this article and prominently displayed Trump's public statement.

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"Pfizer’s stock sinks after company slashes $9 billion from outlook, foreshadows layoffs" -

Take a look at the stock price of Pfizer. This article on "MarketWatch" is by Wallace Witkowsk, Oct.13, 2023. It is posted here - https://www.marketwatch.com/author/wallace-witkowski

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I have once again emailed my representatives in Vermont. I will receive the usual form letter in response, stating how great the WHO is. Or in Representative Becca Ballints case, she is busy, but is very glad that I contacted her.

I looked up Vermont on the Green Paper and boy is my State pathetic. The only candidates we have running, is for US Senate (currently Bernie Sanders, ugh!!). One candidate is for enforcing "reasonable" gun rights, yeah, okay asshole, I won't be voting for you. I have to email the other candidate and ask questions about the WHO, IHR amendments, 2nd amendment and a host of other questions. Unfortunately, Vermont really doesn't matter much in grand scheme of things. We have no electoral votes and we have been over-run by progressive, liberal, democrats. I keep trying though.

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I'm in the process of contacting my senators and my Congressional representative (who is not listed amongst the 53 reps who have come out in support of HR 79 - his name is Tim Burchett (R- 2nd district, TN).

I'm curious, because I want to make it a talking point in my emails to them, if the insurance policies covering our politicians will be impacted by a pact with the devil, I mean the WHO. Does anybody know?

I have tried to find the answer myself, but I see nothing that addresses this specifically.

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Thank you James for all your work! I will continue to share, Jolie Diane has been promoting your work on her website too! https://jdfor2024.com/2023/10/help-push-dc-policymakers-to-pass-who-withdrawal-act/

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That is totally cool. Thank you for responding to the spirit of the request of this article. I REALLY APPRECIATE IT.

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Off-hand I can't recall him mentioning H.R. 79, but his whole movement is based on truth freedom health (a composite)


His answer might be a little more complex than one might assume since he's into Systems, Systems Science, The Science of Systems

Questions https://vashiva.com/contact/



winbackfreedom.com (the real twitter files not a limited hangout)

InventorOfEmail.com (as a 14 year old)


In the last several days RFK Jr. just stole Shiva's slogan from his run for the Senate in 2018 (which he won in a landslide, but again stolen.Out of this emerged the real twitter files) in Massachusetts

Declare Your Independence

RFK Jr. has people watching Dr. Shiva and they steal quite alot of his stuff

Another slogan he had in 2018 was Only The Real Indian Can Defeat The Fake Indian (Elizabeth Warren the fake Indian)

So now that Kennedy stole Declare Your Independence he's got a new one

Only The Real Independent Can Defeat The Fake Independent

YouTube: Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai

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Mr. Roguski

Please correct your assertion to reflect that President Trump has voiced his support for exiting the WHO, because he certainly has, and more. See proof in the below cites.

President Trump publically voiced his support for exiting the WHO


See also


On Tuesday, April 14, 2020 President Trump defunded the WHO


On July 7, 2020, President Trump sent an official notice to the WHO of the U.S.A. exit.


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UPDATE - OCTOBER 17, 2023 - Donald Trump released a video today on TruthSocial in which he made a statement regarding his campaign's policy position regarding the WHO. A lot of it was typical Trump, but some of it was music to my ears. As promised, I have updated this article and prominently displayed Trump's public statement.

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I am very aware of Trump's actions as President. Please comprehend the specific nature of my request: If Trump has publicly voiced his support for H.R. 79, please post a link to EVIDENCE to that effect. 2020 is old news. Where is the relevant public policy statement of candidate Trump?

I encourage Trump supporters to encourage the Trump campaign to clarify their policy regarding H.R. 79.

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You are right.... but his statements were in 2020, and in the last years he gave any statement to regret the Warp Speed Scam, the miraculous deadly injectable c19 bioweapon, the recognition of injuries and deads because the mass vaccination, the destroy of economy because the lockdowns (prison term), and more..... What Mr. Roguski state, is clear: did he NOW give any statement against the membership of US in the WHO? did he support the worldwide inititative to Exit the WHO? We didn´t listen anything like that from him till today.

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My local political representative (Huw Merriman MP) has barred me from communicating with him because I have repeatedly questioned the deadly farce behind the Covid Scamdemic and the deliberate depopulation by injection (they pretend is a vaccine), along with the ridiculous insane unjustified ZERO LIABILITY enjoyed by the makers of these useless but dangerous jabs!

There is NO CHANCE he will behave responsibly, he's now been totally bought and paid for by the New World Order, and has stated "I must honour my Conservative Party's agenda - NOT my CONSTITUANTS"! He's a wimpy, WEF influenced, arsehole and a sub-human cretin!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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It matters not who designed the design the thing. simply does not. Neither whether the front-men mentioned are liked or not (don't carry that burden of hate...drop it).

Fact is funding our own tyranny is at the core of it. We act as if we cannot do without and that is concerning. We complain about censorship but can't live without specific platforms or... believe we cannot.

Quite frankly 'the wolves in sheep clothing' are lying through there ar** and doing their jobs, serving their masters and trust me when I say ... it has bugger-all to do with the plight such as what James has tirelessly fought for all across the world, freedom or free speech. We need to do more supporting each other such as James Roguski and others alike and STOP feeding those who are consistently attempting to demolish our way of LIFE.

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We can talk about kicking the xyzs out, and putting good people in, probably as independents.

Realistically, we have the system, and we have to work with it.

However, is THE SYSTEM the real problem?

Does any system - democratic; communist; monarchy; oligarchy; socialist; fascist; supposed theocracy; whatever - really deliver what WE THE PEOPLE want?

If not, why not?

Politicians have resigned from major parties, saying they were not fixable, and started new parties.

Many hopeful independents have realised, that their power to bring any significant degree of real change is limited, and have dropped out or burnt out.

Many think that political corruption is endemic.

Is there an alternative?

Some talk of subsidiarity - basically everything that can be done at the local level is.

Only what needs to be done at the district, state, national or international level is.

Sovereignty is carefully guarded at every level and only ceded if necessary.

However, this model inevitably breaks down.

Power flows away from the individual, towards the national power centre, and beyond.

US wanting to control us - WE THE PEOPLE.

UN/WHO & Co wanting to control us - WE THE PEOPLE.

Our supposed representatives are OK with this, for whatever reasons, good or not so good.

The ship of state must have a captain and a crew - necessary centralisation of power.

However, the people must have the means to effectively control the captain and the crew.

Does such a ship of state exist?

Can we build one?

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Fifty Three. Sounds good to me. Plus all the rest of us OPs - ordinary people. Enough to make a lot of ripples in the pond. Enough to change the world if we just carry on regardless.

Down under in OZ many still think, that people who think the WHO and certain injections are dangerous, are conspiracy theorists. Some believers are even still being crucified.

Some say crucifixion is the path to resurrection. Bit painful.

Keep the flag flying regardless. There is always hope.

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