I saw a comment by a patriot journalist on Telegram that Trump did not put his hand on the Bible because he was sworn in on January 19th to hold the office of a republic and the one on the 20th was to the old corporation of the US. He believing that swearing on the Bible is a true oath would make him accountable to the people of the US b…
I saw a comment by a patriot journalist on Telegram that Trump did not put his hand on the Bible because he was sworn in on January 19th to hold the office of a republic and the one on the 20th was to the old corporation of the US. He believing that swearing on the Bible is a true oath would make him accountable to the people of the US before God and subject to continue in the "old man" government of the corrupt. I'm from Canada and some of our website documents actually have the corporate of Canada. That is why we are in trouble.. we do not have any rights.
I saw a comment by a patriot journalist on Telegram that Trump did not put his hand on the Bible because he was sworn in on January 19th to hold the office of a republic and the one on the 20th was to the old corporation of the US. He believing that swearing on the Bible is a true oath would make him accountable to the people of the US before God and subject to continue in the "old man" government of the corrupt. I'm from Canada and some of our website documents actually have the corporate of Canada. That is why we are in trouble.. we do not have any rights.
Hear hear