
Petroleum Based Synthetic Injections

Are Not Compatible

With Water Based Human Bodies.

This Is Not Complicated People.


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To all you misguided folks who believe you're compelled by law to meet ANY demands made by ANY international organization such as the World Health Organizations: STOP PISSING INTO THE WIND and simply neuter them at the state level... JUST REFUSE TO PLAY THEIR GAME! That's what Louisiana has done and several other states are now likewise considering.

Policies of the W.H.O. are treasonous and are a threat to America. Likewise are the U.N., W.E.F. and all other such foreign usurpers of the peoples' free will autonomy. No truth seeking (American) soul should have anything to do with them or any other international organizations of their ilk?

Just the same, right now a lot of you have your panties all twisted up because the W.H.O. is threatening to rescind the voice of certain nations if they don't sign their blank check demands for their new International Pandemic Treaty.

But make no mistake, if you are trying to influence or reform the W.H.O. you are effectively aiding and abetting (facilitating) them. You are literally partaking (joining with them) in their evil deeds.

While there may have been a time (before they were captured) when such international bodies actually served some productive, beneficial purpose, now that we've entered into The Great Tribulation, that is obviously no longer the case. The powerful men of the earth have become irretrievably corrupt as the Scriptures warned us.

Don't fool yourself, you cannot reform/rehabilitate the Devil. Don't even try.

The solution here is way simpler than you thought, and the state of Louisiana just showed us how to do it. And other states likewise are now following their lead.

The state senate there has passed a bill affirming independence from all international organizations like the W.H.O., U.N. and the W.E.F. declaring that no international organizations shall have jurisdiction or power within the state of Louisiana.



There is it.

That's how you do it.

Neuter the bastards at the state level... End of story!

As the Scriptures command: Come out from among them and be ye separate. (II Corinthians 6:17)

Refuse to shake hands with the devil. Don't even think you can! Just come out!

Pastor William Raymond:



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In Canada, after all the deaths and disabled that happened after the COVID shots roll outs, the government is still continuing to have it pushed on the public. It is clear the intention is to kill of as many people as the W.H.O. and people in the Liberal government can to make the world their world, where they can get rid of the unwanted. They are still asking parents to do this to their 6 months old. God will deal with these EVIL rich people who care little about life, may that day come sooner then later!! There is a God who made this earth, it does not belong to them, as they will soon find out!!!!!

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Dr. Mark Trozzi from his Substack "The Trozzi Report" - Wins of the Week Ep18 with Ted Kuntz from Vaccine Choice Canada - https://drtrozzi.substack.com/p/wins-of-the-week-ep18-with-ted-kuntz?utm_campaign=email-half-post&r=15ki9l&utm

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“This has truly NOT been a member nation led negotiating process.”

The WHO is NOT a member led organisation period.

The WHO is a private club led by the FEW to further their agendas against the REST.

The inexplicable, problematic “amendments”, supposedly proposed by the US & CO, are likely to have actually been proposed by WHO undercover agents in these nations, explaining perfectly why the “amendments” are clearly in the best interests of the FEW, not the REST.

The current “negotiations” about “equitable distribution of health undermining products”, is also clearly in the best interests of the FEW not the REST, who really do not want their health and freedom undermined.

The prominent negotiators are highly likely to be WHO agents, either on the payroll of the FEW, or being otherwise incentivised by the FEW to support the WHO.

This explains perfectly why individual national WHO representatives are hard to identify, or even establish that they actually ARE national government representatives on government salaries, not just WHO agents being paid by the FEW.

This also explains perfectly, why there is a stable of virtually unknown NGO “stakeholders” – FEW sponsored WHO promoting agencies – championing the fight for “equitable access”, when same is obviously NOT highly desirable.

The issue is NOT distribution of HEALTH or WEALTH – the REAL ISSUE is CONTROL.

Smaller nation WHO representatives may think, that they are fighting for a fair share in the health/wealth pie, while they are really fighting for inclusion in the power grid of the FEW.

A TOTAL CONTROL power grid is proposed – potential rogue nations cannot be tolerated.

The FEW think that they have captured the bigger nations, while the smaller nations, being a bit more problematic, have to ALL be rounded up and cemented securely into the power grid.

No doubt the “negotiations” behind the scenes are very nefarious, which explains exactly why they are being kept undercover – haggling over the price of getting EVERYONE securely on board is no doubt a challenging and costly exercise – herding cats!

Once everyone has been securely roped in, then “the negotiations” can be presented as a “democratic consensus”, which the FEW controlled, “national WHO representative agents” will readily rubber stamp.

Please correct any mistakes James and others – thank you.

Blessings - keep the light shining brightly.

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❗️Arizona Republican Party Declares Covid-19 Injections Biological and Technological Weapons, Passed Ban the Jab Resolution! (Passed with 95.62% of the vote). The Arizona Republican Party is now the second state Republican Party to pass the ‘Ban the Jab’ resolution and declare COVID-19 injections biological and technological weapons.❗️

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Agree that most people are asleep at the wheel in regards to this whole continuing COVID debacle. Most probably it has been the same throughout history, allowing one dictator after another destroy their livelihoods. Perhaps this is the final test for humanity? If we don't collectively rise up against these Evil Ones, we'll go down in history as yet another fallen population. I see disinterest about the WHOs plans everywhere, & people stare blankly when I talk about the Globalists. We are allowing our own demise with barely a fight.

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I"m especially drawn to this section: "We call upon Member States not to succumb to the pressure and risk adopting a Pandemic Instrument which does not have legal obligations to ensure a sustainable and predictable supply of pandemic-related products, technology, and finance. "

Personally, in my statement, I would start with some core basics.

1. How individual nations during the lockdowns imposed tyranny on their citizens and travelers on their own, without any "orders from an international body". And what are the peoples of the world going to do to course correct that. And let's start building consensus on what we are going to do about that, and improve our relations and communications with our local bodies of governance.

2. Addressing the facts that have been uncovered, that there was really no valid honest reason to have declared a pandemic, and their were nefarious actions that prevented people being properly and safely treated for the respiratory symptoms. Instead people were murdered, even in hospitals.

3. To relook at what the stated purposes are of International Bodies, and have a People's Watchdog, review them every year to bring to light what they are actually achieving. To identify where they are off course, and to recommend how to get on course. And continue a relentless 'Watch' on their activities and where their funding is coming from.

4. It is only in our silence that international and government bodies can "get away with activities" that are harming the people of the world. We the People need to boldly Stop the Silence.

5. Let us make a statement of facts and definitions.

The definition of Pandemic.

and what are nations and international bodies doing to help assure the people of the world have clean air, clean water, abundant water and healthy food. Educate people on best health practices.

An intelligent world, with clear intentions for the good of all, should really never have a reason for a pandemic.

6. A honest evaluation of the last 4+years.

The reality of the testing, PCR and masking. They are not effective so why are they continued?

The reality of the respiratory issues (while the regular flu seemed to just disappear)

were in fact, no worse than any other 'flu season'. It was HOW hospitals treated people and how the elderly were treated, that was the real nefarious problem.

7. And why why why? are nations so focused on access to pandemic supplies, instead of demanding healthy health conditions in their nations. and bringing to light the realities of the sham of the last 4+ years.

8. And of primary importance in a bold statement, would be to bring forth a new glorious intention for Good Health for All. That is the equity that is a core root foundation to start from. And to clearly begin to flush out the actions to bring forth this reality.



Let us Boldly and Bravely Bring Forth a Declaration of Good Health for ALL.

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Hi Jim, thank you for letting us know about this. At least some organizations are coming forward together, to make a statement. That's a step. This is such a work in process and progress.

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I am going to take a leap and make a prediction based on intuition and research. Someone is going to step forward in early May, 2024 to sort this all out. We need the right leadership.

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We, the people have spoken! The corrupt unelected WHO is no longer regarded as an influence or authority in world health matters. They are now obsolete and redundant!

The next criminalised organisation for the chop is the UN!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed top live longer!

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"Feminists for a people's vaccine" Oh man…

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A restatement: there has only been a pandemic of fear!

No person in the world has died of “covid”. Reference Christine Massey

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If only the effort was being put into stopping the use of bioweapons then we would have no need for any of the Pandemic nonsense

It is clear now to me at least that Sars Mers Zika Ebola and others were man-made and used as biowarfare. All this Pandemic agreement is doing is saying how they will control things when the attacks happen.

Stopping biowarfare is as hard as stopping war unortunately.

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"A Pandemic Instrument that Does Not Deliver on Equity is a Failure"

A world health organisation, that does not deliver on heath, is a failure period!

The point is dofuss: that the WHO is NOT proposing to deliver equitable amounts of health undermining products, to enable ALL nations to have equivalent amounts of death and disease.

Do we want that?

Of course we do - equal human rights!

All nations want an equal place at the table, and an equitable share of the depopulation products, disguised as health care products!

The World Heath Organisation, is really the World Depopulation Operation, but WHO is a much more user friendly term.

Share and care health care - equitable health care for all.

Just more doublespeak from the Ministry of Truth [Lies].

Beware of all snakes with forked tongues!

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Thank you James. I appreciate your words. We are so hung up on Oregon,

keep on keepin on www.orsja.org

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