May I humbly add Act4yourfreedom.net website where we publish some of your content and havve actions to take for the UK and Italy. Trying to construct a subsite for France as well. if anyone has any ideas, we would love to hear!


the second link is to the general site



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sure sounds fishie, makes me go hummmmm

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They have no permission, no right, and no authority to do so


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Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was a Pandemic. The Database Is Flawed. The COVID Mandates Including the Vaccine Are Invalid

The PCR "COVID-19 Confirmed Cases" Are Meaningless. The Multibillion Dollar Antigen and Home Test Project Is Fake

By Michel Chossudovsky

The Pandemic Treaty and the QR Verification Code

In early March 2022 an Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) was established with a mandate to create “A Pandemic Treaty”, i.e. a global health governance entity under WHO auspices, which would override the authority of the WHO member states:

“The INB held its first meeting to draft and negotiate an international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response under the authority of the WHO.”

The Pandemic Treaty is tied into the WHO’s QR Verification Code project, which is intent upon creating a global digital data bank of 7.9 billion people. Both initiatives are to be carried out concurrently by the WHO in liaison with ID2020 and the Gavi Alliance, both of which are funded by the Gates Foundation.

Read the article.....


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I've joined two other groups that make a lot of sense to me.

1). https://www.localactivist.org/

2). https://shiva4president.com/

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Video by Dr David Martin goes to the roots of the WHO issue.

At the very end, he calls unreservedly not just for withdrawal from, but dissolution of the WHO.

If Martin is correct, the WHO must be eliminated, and the criminals behind it held accountable.

Good luck with that.

Nuremberg II.

Why are so many people hanging on to this false hope?

Did the Nuremberg code help us with covid mandates?

Nuremberg was arguably a show trial.

A mockery of real justice.

Most of the murderers escaped, with the help of the real criminals, behind the holocaust.

Some of these murderers are probably involved in the current genocide.

No holocaust can happen again.

Just empty words.

A UN so there can be no more wars?

Once the OWG is installed that is.

Bring down the WHO and there is still the UN to deal with.

The UN who let the WHO hide under its massive umbrella.

Just WHO is behind the UN?

Hold the power players behind the UN accountable.

Good luck with that too.

Well we could all withdraw from and defund the UN.

Stop all the BS about the mega rich being tax exempt philanthropists.

Make them pay taxes like everyone else.

Stop them messing with our welfare and our freedom.

Yeah we could.

But will we?

Some nations might withdraw from the WHO and the UN.

Others might try to withdraw.

I doubt all will.

I doubt all can.

I suspect, that UN tentacles have a strangle hold, on many nations.

I think covid demonstrates this.

Still, the realization of criminal intent to commit genocide and even democide, might unleash a holocaust fit for the perpetrators.

We can always hope.

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I am concerned about the lions creeping closer to our back doors, under cover of the mainstream or alternative media, we are focused on.


There are many critical, relevant, related videos on You Tube ATM.

There are still many good people fighting political battles on our behalf.

They need all the support we can give them.

We need to make our own choices, especially concerning our children, or others will make them for us.

Battling the WHO & CO is critical.

Protecting our loved ones and homes, here and now, is also critical.

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The WHO is corrupted by 'benefactor's' contributions!

Bill Gates contributes well over 50% towards the WHO Budget directly or indirectly! The WHO want to control ALL world Health decisions. Join the dots!

Gates says "The most lucrative investments I ever made were (are) VACCINES". Gates also believes the planet is vastly overpopulated. He's heavily invested in the next batch of (false) SCAMDEMIC vaccines.


Gates is now the owner of more US farmland than anyone else. He also wants to stop dairy animals being used for human food - instead of his lucrative artificial MEAT products. Gates recently bought Dutch synthetic meat manufacturer and distributor Picnic.

Gates wants to cool the planet with unnatural clouds of matter that will dramatically reduce Global warming - Welcome Gates's ICE-AGE!

Why and how do Vax Makers enjoy immunity from all LIABILITY when their injections kill people?

No LIABILITY means; no need for Safety Trials or Efficacy. Vax injuries & VAX DEATHS can be ignored! No analysis is necessary for the vax demised. Just as long as the enormous PROFITS CONTINUE and the World Population is being systematically reduced. Government VAX Contracts exclude all responsibility for the makers. Instead, Governments accept all responsibility for VAX RELATED INJURIES and VAX RELATED DEATHS. What kind of crazy word would allow (encourage) such a deadly but successful risk-free business Plan?

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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James I want to thank you for the Warroom.org Bannon interviews alerting to evil days sometimes before that video meeting.

Your doing Gods work a little different than Loyd Blankfein' Gods work ( Goldman) destroying freedoms his Gods work, Ezekiel.

I want to know the books we don't know about.

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The very notion that the "text" has to be re-written indicates nefarious intent bent on coating the power grab into an acceptable action. In my view, WHO has no business in this whatsoever no matter how many text versions they come up with. We, in America should leave WHO, NATO, UN and all these global entities who produce nothing and cost us much. Is there not enough stuff to clean up at home? Finally , why October 30th? Why not 31st, it would be SO fitting their ghoulish intentions! Agree with James, they are crumbling and the faster the better!

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The Brains Of The Injected

Can't Keep Up

With How Rapidly

Their Bodies Are Deteriorating.


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James did you see this? You probably did? Are you part of this?



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I am aware of it, but I was not invited to participate.

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Mais enfin? You should be in it?

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Done! Thank you for the template and the links!!! ❤️🇺🇲

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James Roguski writes:

"I guess we can . . .

. . . give up hope of ever being allowed to see the “compilation text” that has been kept secret since April."


My answer:




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Yes, it is true. The "member nations" submitted proposed text for the WHO CA+ Framework Convention by April 22, 2023. The Intergovernmental Negotiating Body has CLEARLY acknowledged the existence of a 208 page "compilation text" but, to my knowledge, the document has never been made available to We the People.

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So we need this 208 page "compilation text" as PROOF - and if its about anything illegal, criminal or psychopathic like STEALTH WORLD CONTROL - "We The People" need to see & to read the EVIDENCE.


People live in the illusion - the WHO is about health - as People have a hard time to realize, HOW CRIMINAL OUR GOVERNMENTS & ORGANIZATIONS REALLY ARE.

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https://www.rokfin.com/post/148836/Joe-Allen-Dark-Aeon-Transhumanism--Idiocracy-Run-by-Algorithms Joe Allen: Dark Aeon, Transhumanism, & Idiocracy Run by Algorithms!

Joe Allen discusses the age of intelligent machines and all things transhumanism, which is a new heterodox religion steeped in Gnosticism that has crept into government and major corporations seeking to create Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) or god on earth and a transcendent realm to escape into. The danger with this movement is it's goal of creating a totalizing technology which would lead to a dystopian society or an idiocracy run by algorithms!

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