To James Roguski: Thank you for this enlightening interview. From what I understand, our federal government in Canada will behave as though the treaty is legally binding, in the same way a contract is legally binding because you have the ability to take another to court & to force the obligations of the contract. However, this is not the case when it comes to the world health organization and agreements. These agreements/treaties or whatever are not legally binding in the same way a domestic contract is legally binding because there is no recourse if a country does not comply. Therefore, the federal government will be taking advantage of all the people who are in the dark regarding this whole matter. I get that. What I can't figure out is WHY does the government want to impose drastic restrictions, such as lockdowns, social distancing, etc. when they are not effective and do more harm than good? Would love to hear your thoughts on this. Thank you very much.

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I live in Australia.

According to what was said in this interview about the IHR and Pandemic Treaty/Accord, if passed, they are not necessarily binding on nations according to international law. This does not appear to be the case in Australia.

Libby Klein in her substack entitled ‘What decision making role will the Australian Parliament have in relation to the proposed IHR amendments’ (https://open.substack.com/pub/libbyklein/p/what-decision-making-role-will-the?r=tcjjj&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post) has suggested that the Australian Parliament will not be asked to pass any necessary implementing legislation to follow the WHO’s recommendations; they will be obliged to follow them.

This is because “sections 477 and 478 of the Biosecurity Act 2015 already give the government power to make public health orders in order to implement World Health Organisation recommendations, even if this is not required for public safety of Australians.” So there’s no legislation that needs passing in order for us to implement this power transfer into Australian law.

‘The government’s Explanatory Memorandum for the Bill which became the Biosecurity Act 2015 clearly states the intention was to enable Australia to comply with our international legal obligations including the International Health Regulations:

“Meeting Australia's international obligations

The Bill allows for the management of biosecurity risks in a manner that is consistent with

Australia's international obligations. This includes obligations under the World Trade Organization Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures 1994 (SPS Agreement), the World Health Organization

International Health Regulations 2005(International Health Regulations), and the Convention on

Biological Diversity 1992 (Biodiversity Convention)”.

‘Now that “recommendations” are to become binding, Australia finds itself in the bizarre position of its parliament having to pass legislation in order to avoid becoming indentured to the WHO. This is a magic trick! It’s not just that no legislation needs to be passed by the Australian parliament, for Australia to become legally bound to follow the WHO’s binding public health recommendations during a pandemic. On the contrary, Australia’s parliament would need to proactively amend the Biosecurity Act to remove the power to follow the WHO’s recommendations. (Or take the simpler approach of just rejecting the IHR amendments in the first place to avoid the problem.)’

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Everyone can check James Roguski's substack for much information aswell as petitions to help shut the WHO down and many others. Thank you and pass all along.

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"All Warfare is Based on Deception" - Sun Tzu

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Many will establish this point tomorrow and goin forward i assure you. See you in zoom conference James. I wouldnt miss it

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Jan 13·edited Jan 13

Watch this... https://t.co/5CnAbRpYTr

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The idea is the target and the target has to be changed - Bruce Pardy,

We have to disable the WHO hypnosis - James.

Pulling the plug on the MSM would be helpful.

How to do that is a real challenge.

Average couch potato MSM addicts, are often a lost cause, unless deprived of their MSM dummies. We can inform politicians and others forever and a day, but the hypnosis will continue, while people remain plugged into the MSM.

The "submissive void" is engineered by the education (indoctrination) system and constantly reinforced by the MSM propaganda machine.

Professionals, especially academics, are often the most dedicated believers, having spent the most time in clone factory "classrooms", graduating to serve "the system" in their particular areas of programed "expertise", and addicted to their comfy "lifestyle".

Religious people also spend a lot of time in pews.

What to do about all this?

Like James and others, give all we can towards building a new world, that is people friendly.

We all use our unique personal abilities, to make invaluable contributions, regardless.

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Disease X is a placeholder name that was adopted by the World Health Organization (WHO) in February 2018 on their shortlist of blueprint priority diseases to represent a hypothetical, unknown pathogen that could cause a future epidemic.[4][5] The WHO adopted the placeholder name to ensure that their planning was sufficiently flexible to adapt to an unknown pathogen (e.g., broader vaccines and manufacturing facilities).[4][6] Director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Anthony Fauci stated that the concept of Disease X would encourage WHO projects to focus their research efforts on entire classes of viruses (e.g., flaviviruses) instead of just individual strains (e.g., zika virus), thus improving WHO capability to respond to unforeseen strains.[7] In 2020, experts, including some of the WHO's own expert advisors, speculated that COVID-19, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus strain, met the requirements to be the first Disease X.[1][2][3]

So, apparently, a new disease is in the making to gain even more control of us rubes as they continue implementing their Agenda 2030. You know the WEF’s old saying, "You will own nothing, and you’ll be happy.” Or another fan favorite, “Let ‘zem eat ‘ze bugs.” These guys aren’t fooling around! Can’t you just see Klaus Schwab holding his pinky to his mouth and uttering, “You vill comply wis ze new rules or Disease X vill destroy ze planet....mbwaaahhhh!!!” Sometimes facts are truly stranger than fiction…it’s almost like Klaus developed his persona around the character, Dr. Evil, from the Austin Powers movies so he could be more relatable. Unfortunately, this is no laughing matter, and it’s quite unsettling thinking about what new virus they might be cooking up in their biolabs.

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This story I was told by a Kazakh scientist (archaeologist), a clever man with a good heart, with whom we´ve become friends and I don´t doubt his words: in his homeland (Kazakhstan is situated in the Asian half of the former Russian Federation, some of the people there still live as nomads, sleeping under the stars, eating what they could find on their way during the day). It had happened in 2021. A 60 (or so) years old man, a Kazakh, who´s ever been perfeckty healthy, was sitted infront of his sleeping place, peeling a fish he´d catched and was going to eat before going ot sleep. The day was darkening already, it was late in the evening. Suddenly he saw lights of a car swiftly approaching him. A car stopped infront of him, some men issued. One of them hold the Kazakh so that he couldn´t fly, the other had a pocket lamp and they stripped his arm free of the clothes and gave him a jab, all at a lightning speed. Then they disappeared.

The man could manage to reach the next town afoot, there he broke down. They brought him in the hospital but gave him no treatment. One side of his body was paralised, he couldn´t realy move or speak. Being a meek person, he waited quietly on the God´s decision. And he recovered so far that he could move and talk and he himself told his story to my friend. But still some muscles of his body remained paralised and he felt ill.

I probably have heard this story in the spring of 2022 and I thought by myself: what bestial creatures, what hellish robbery! So it goes when no law protects people! But we here in the Western Europe, we are protected by our laws! Today I´ve learned to think otherwise about such matters as the law.

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Give me about an hour or so brother.

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thank you for talking with Bruce Pardy. I´ve just read his article on the Brownstone Intstitute site, glad to hear from a university professor of law. he´s great and sincere, this I believe to see, but still... what looks our law like as the sum of all these domestic and international and so on, then? as a brocken umbrella, rent to pieces and pitiable to look at. and all of us know that this is a storm outside, and a wild and a violent storm it will become and nobody can sit it out at home. so if I´d stand infront of the door of my house and stretch out my hand to open it and take a step outside into the storm, because I must, would I take that umbrella with me for any reason?

The truth is never complex, only the lies are, I would say. Somuch to our laws.

I´ve also seen Bret Weinstein at Tucker Carlson´s and I´m fascinated. Bruce Pardy mentions him too, I see. I´ll get the talk with Bret Weinstein into the attention of so many people here around me as I can. Bret Weinstein talks as I would talk, he doesn´t talk about laws and I´ve stopped do it as well. When the law betrays me, simply spoken, what allegiance do I owe to it or to what it has become? I´ll be only true to somebody or something that is true to me. is a human being such a small and a useless item that it has to be ruled by laws? thank you, our current law system. whithout you being so mean would I never understand the size of me being a human. a human life has no price equivalent stated in some law whatsoevers. to the true law I will bend, to the mean lie I´m no subject. a good man whom I like has written, we (humans) are there to govern our Earth, he´s perfectly right. not our laws are here to govern us, humans.

I´ll listen to the interview with Bruce Pardy once more, maybe I´ve missed something, but the first impression will be the right one.

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Dear James, thank you and please consider the suggestion at the end and see if you could get all the medical freedom movement people you trust to promote something like it.

Bruce Pardy sounds like he has a handle on the technique. the layers are almost off the plan, the simple ability to deflect responsibility has made many bureaucrats behave abysmally, the ability to have a source of narrative to follow that can be used as an official excuse makes the new plan exceedingly powerful. Thank you for raising this issue.

I still believe plan "K" and plan "O" are intended to make people so unhappy that they will resist and ruin their own health systems to the point that the sheep will DEMAND that the WHO comes to their rescue and the economic and social damage caused by all the restricting laws and wealth transfer will eventually cause people to riot and the UN soldiers/mercenaries will be called in to manage citizens where pushback against home team military might still be too much. Obviously if plan "A", "B" and "C" work fine then they may not need to work through the rest alphabet.

Certainly anything that Reuters/AP publishes is part of the plan, they have no need to publish or even hint about what they do not want the sheep to know and YGL to act on. So if Tedros is saying something that appears to confirm the health movements claims it is deliberate and plays to their strengths.

I have said before and mention it here again, what is the tool that keeps the elite in line till death, why are there no whistleblowers, they share a common heritage with humanity and should be a tiny bit uncomfortable with murder even if they have the receipts from Epstein Island and a locker code at a Swiss bank. Why no deathbed confessions, why no leaked information, why no counter movement inside the elite?

I would like it if famous people such as all the Substackers that appear to be on the level, Matthew Crawford maintains a list of the least compromised I think were to promote some sites that have instructions for whistleblowers. Ways that data can be sent that cannot be intercepted by nation state actors. Having a way to register as a whistle blower from a library computer and get instructions for how to send information via postal services to a number of different recipients that cannot all be targeted at the same time. The scam callers have perfected these techniques for money drops and the same can be done for data.

Posting the data into the bitcoin block chain and then posting a decryption key a few blocks later is very hard to censor. If it was totally safe and practical to whistle I would hope that a few more would take the chance.

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