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Urgent Call to Save 400 Healthy Ostriches from Government Slaughter Amidst Questionable Avian Flu Fears
Edgewood, British Columbia — February 25, 2025 — Universal Ostrich Farm update regarding the Canadian government's persistent efforts to slaughter 400 healthy ostriches located on a remote rural farm in Edgewood, British Columbia. This drastic action was ordered by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) in the wake of the ongoing "Avian Flu" hysteria.
Legal Update
On February 17, 2025, Justice Michael Battista of the Federal Court of Canada issued a ruling in response to motions filed by the Department of Justice (DOJ) seeking clarification of his January 31, 2025, Stay Order. Justice Battista affirmed that his initial decision was in line with the law and that CFIA had failed to present any new information or overlooked key aspects. In his February 17 decision, Justice Battista emphasized, “The Stay Order reflects the Court’s intention,” and concluded, “There is no ambiguity in the Stay Order. It clearly stayed the operation of the Respondent’s Notice dated December 31, 2024, until a decision is rendered in the underlying application for judicial review.” In short: CFIA, you cannot kill the ostriches until the judicial review is heard and decided.
Background and Timeline
In late December 2024, a large flock of wild ducks landed on a pond shared by over 450 ostriches on Universal Ostrich Farm in Edgewood. Over the following two weeks, some of the ostriches became sick, and 67 died. A similar event occurred on the farm in 2020, where a small number of ostriches fell ill and died, but the cause was identified as an opportunistic pathogen, Pseudomonas, not Avian Flu. With guidance from their vet, the family treated the birds, and the sick ones recovered.
Concerned by the onset of similar symptoms, farm owners Karen Espersen and Dave Balinski contacted their vet, but he was unavailable due to the Christmas holiday. They began treating the affected ostriches as they did in 2020, and the birds began to recover.
On December 30, 2024, CFIA agents arrived at the farm, tested two dead carcasses, but did not perform autopsies or take tissue samples. They only swabbed the two dead birds for PCR testing, which only tests for Avian Flu, neglecting other potential pathogens like Pseudomonas. The following day, CFIA informed the farm owners that the birds tested positive for Avian Flu and issued a “kill order” for all 400 remaining ostriches.
Despite sharing their scientific research demonstrating the ostriches' robust immunity and potential to develop antibodies, including those that may combat COVID-related illnesses, the farm owners’ pleas to CFIA fell on deaf ears. On January 10, 2025, CFIA reaffirmed the kill order, demanding the birds be slaughtered by February 1, 2025.
Legal and Scientific Standpoint
The farm owners reached out to stakeholders and the public for help. They retained Michael Carter, of the law firm Cleveland Doan, on January 22, 2025, who, along with other lawyers, experts, scientists, and veterinarians, worked tirelessly to challenge the CFIA’s decision to kill the ostriches. Appearing in the Federal Court of Canada, on January 31, 2025, Justice Battista granted a Stay of Execution to prevent the mass slaughter. A global team of scientists rallied behind the ostriches, recognizing their potential not only as a source of natural immunity against avian flu but the opportunity to have a living laboratory to study "best immunity" strategies, and antibody science.
Lawyers for the Department of Justice (DOJ) filed two motions four days later: one to expedite the judicial review hearing, and the other seeking clarification of Justice Battista’s Stay Order. The CFIA argued that the injunction applied only to the farm owners, preventing them from killing the 400 ostriches. They sought clarification that the order would permit the CFIA to proceed with the kill. To further complicate matters and impose additional legal costs on the family, the CFIA also filed an appeal of the Stay Order.
On February 18, 2025, Justice Battista ruled on these motions, affirming that the Stay Order remains in effect — meaning no ostriches are to be killed until the judicial review is heard. Justice Battista also agreed to expedite the review, as requested by the CFIA. He appointed a case management judge to oversee the scheduling, with deadlines for document exchanges and a tentative hearing date set for a two-day judicial review from April 14-17, 2025, in the Federal Court of Canada.
Katie Pasitnay, spokesperson for Universal Ostrich Farm, stated:
"This is not just about saving 400 birds. It’s about science, public health, and the government’s failure to embrace logic over outdated policies. We are fighting to protect these animals, the valuable research they represent, and the rights of the family who has dedicated years of effort to their care."
Key Facts:
Last ostrich death: January 14, 2025 (more than 40 days ago).
Avian Flu incubation: CFIA states it has a 14-day maximum incubation period.
The sick ostriches have fully recovered.
Nearly 90% of the herd remains unaffected.
The ostriches now have natural immunity and should be used to breed avian flu-resistant ostriches and further research into antibodies.
Yet, the CFIA insists on eradicating these genetically valuable birds instead of recognizing their immunity as a potential asset for future vaccine development.
Upcoming Court Dates:
As the case continues, support for Universal Ostrich Farm and the scientific community’s calls for the preservation of these birds grows. The outcome of the judicial review will be a pivotal moment in determining the future of these ostriches, if they have one, and the role they may play in global health research.
The date for the hearing of the appeal has not been set.
For media inquiries or to show support, please submit all requests to
Katie Pasitney, Universal Ostrich Farm spokeswoman – Katie is the daughter of Karen Espersen, one of the owners of Universal Ostriches and has become the public face of this battle appearing on numerous talk shows across Canada and the United States. Katie has grown up with some of these ostriches, and considers them to be family members.
Michael Carter, Lead Counsel for the legal team - Michael is with the law firm Cleveland Doan. Michael has worked tirelessly and has put together a unique team of lawyers, scientists and experts.
Dr. Lyle Oberg, Director Alberta Public Health - Dr. Oberg brings an important public health perspective to the issue of Canada’s “Stamping Out” policy. His insights into “Shot, Shovel and Shut-Up” are bringing important conversations to how Canada responds to animal health related concerns.
Go To: for more info and videos of CFIA agents in full hazmat suits declaring that these big beautiful, healthy ostriches must be "eradicated."
For documents or more background information please contact:
Kari Simpson –
Litigation Manager & Project Coordinator, Universal Ostrich Farm.
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Utter insanity to not strive for herd immunity. Only one way to get there…allowing those to survive that are able to…when are we going to stand up to this nonsense and put an end to the tyranny?!?
The CFIA bureaucrats as well as Health Canada have got shit for brains.