Kirsten Murfitt has submitted a Citizens Initiated Referendum to give the people of New Zealand an opportunity to express their desire to #NZExitsTheWHO. Volunteers are needed ASAP.
Please watch the video below:
If you would like to help support this effort, please contact Kirsten Murfitt via email at
Text of the proposed New Zealand referendum to #NZExitsTheWHO:
“Do eligible voters wish for the Government to terminate New Zealand’s relationship with the World Health Organization (“WHO”) due to serious conflicts of interest between “WHO” and its private partners?”
How does a New Zealand Citizens Initiated Referendum work?
Any New Zealand citizen can petition for a referendum to be held. This is known as a Citizens Initiated Referendum”. For one of these to be held, at least 10% of eligible voters must sign a petition supporting the proposed referendum question.
A person submits a proposal to the Clerk of the House of Representatives asking them to promote a referendum petition. (Completed: Kirsten Murfitt has already submitted the text listed above and she has paid the $604.10 application.)
The Clerk advertises the proposed question, which gives the public the chance to have their say on the wording of it. This can take up to three months. (THIS IS THE NEXT STEP IN THE PROCESS - As of August 24, 2024, the Clerk of the House of Representatives has not yet published the proposed text of the Citizens Initiated Referendum for the public comment period to begin. Hopefully, this will happen within the week.)
The Clerk decides the question’s final wording and approves the form for the collection of signatures.
The petitioner has 12 months to gather enough signatures (at least ten percent of eligible voters) supporting the question, and then deliver the petition to the Clerk.
If the petition is compliant, the Speaker presents the petition to the House of Representatives. If there aren’t enough signatures the petition will lapse (although the petitioner can resubmit the petition if they gather the remaining number of signatures within two months).
The Governor-General sets a date for the referendum within a month from the date the petition was presented. It must be held within a year of the presentation date unless 75 percent of MPs agree to defer it.
The referendum is held and the result is declared.
Once Step #4 begins the organizers of the drive to collect signatures for the referendum will need to obtain signatures from at least 10% (367,377) of the 3,673,774 registered voters in New Zealand within 12 months.
Once the required signatures have been collected, the referendum will be placed on the ballot for the people of New Zealand to express their opinion regarding whether or not they want New Zealand to #NZExitsTheWHO.
Benefits of starting a referendum can include:
raising awareness about an issue
shifting or consolidating public thinking around an issue
initiating or building momentum toward a change in policy or in how services are delivered
proposing a new law or influencing one that's being considered
Who is eligible to sign the Citizens Initiated Referendum?
Registered voters in New Zealand may provide their signature to call for a referendum (vote).
Will it be possible to provide one’s signature online, or will it only be possible to do so in writing?
Only written signatures will be accepted.
When and how will the Citizens Initiated Referendum be made available for signature?
Stay tuned. We are very early in the process (Step #2 - see above).
Where will I be able to comment on the proposed text of the Citizens Initiated Referendum?
As of August 24, 2024, the text of the Citizens Initiated Referendum has been submitted, but the New Zealand government has not yet officially published it. It should soon be made available to the public later this week on the web page listed below:
How can I get involved and help?
Contact: Kirsten Murfitt at
Twitter: @KirstenTauranga
Please read the article below.
Citizens Initiated Referenda Act 1993
What is a citizens-initiated referendum?
Seek a referendum
What is a referendum?
Citizens initiated referenda
How do I start a Citizens Initiated Referendum?
James Roguski
All content is free to all readers.
All support is deeply appreciated.
gosh, I woke up this morning and was told I'd been married into a contract that I knew nothing about but now have to obey, even though I had never met or knew of my new husband, so, now, apparently I have to talk to other people about whether I can get out of this marriage, that other people are also getting into marriage with people they didn't know they had to obey but apparently we all have to do it.
OR, STOP obeying this absolute psyop and tyranny. We are not owned.
Voices for freedom NZ
VVF, is the biggest and most established
Freedom fighting group in NZ, been shut down many times still going strong, good group to get hold of to accomplish this task,