Hey New Zealand...
“Do you wish for the Government to terminate New Zealand’s relationship with the World Health Organisation?”
Please watch the discussion with Kirsten Murfitt regarding the referendum to terminate New Zealand’s relationship with the World Health Organisation:
If you live in New Zealand, download the documents below:
Regardless of where you live, please help spread the word:
A referendum is a direct vote by the electorate (rather than their representatives) on a political issue.
New Zealand citizens currently have until November 25, 2025 to sign (literally put pen and ink to paper) to express their desire to have a nationwide referendum brought before the people of New Zealand so everyone can vote on the following question :
“Do you wish for the Government to terminate New Zealand’s relationship with the World Health Organisation?”
A Citizens Initiated Referendum is different from an online petition. By law, all signatures must be in wet ink, meaning they have to be handwritten with a pen on the official forms provided. This is to ensure that every signature is verified as coming from a registered voter in New Zealand. Online signatures are NOT acceptable.
If you live in New Zealand, simply download the Referendum Signature Form below, print it out, sign it, and help collect wet ink signatures from New Zealand citizens who are registered on the New Zealand electoral roll.
Post/mail or drop off the signed forms to either of the addresses below:
KM Law Limited, 738 Cameron Road, Tauranga 3112; or
KM Law Limited, PO Box 9457, Greerton, Tauranga, 3142
The petition will be checked for compliance. Signatures from at least 10% of all registered voters must be collected and submitted by November 25, 2025. Thus, approximately 400,000 signatures are needed.
If all is correct. then the Speaker will present the petition to the House of Representatives.
Within one month from the date of presentation, the Governor-General will set a date for the referendum to be held which must be within one year of the date of presentation.
Please watch the videos below:
Download the PDF below:
Website: https://www.whoknows.co.nz/
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/WhoKnowsnz2025
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/WhoKnows2025/61571850980151/
Telegram (Official): https://t.me/WhoKnows2025
Send an email to: info@WHOknows.co.nz
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WhatsApp (Community): https://chat.whatsapp.com/K8UlPgZ4GLUEwtZAO2JglS
James Roguski
Please help spread the word about the harmful effects of the mRNA bioweapons:
I claim no copyright of any kind whatsoever, over any of my work, ever. Everyone is encouraged to copy any and all of it, in part, or in full, and use it for whatever purposes they wish. In fact, I would be delighted if someone were to copy this entire body of work. I encourage everyone to duplicate and mirror it in its entirety. I also encourage everyone to adapt and utilize the information in whatever manner they deem appropriate. No citation or other reference is requested or required. It would actually bring me great joy to see this information multiply exponentially and "go viral".
All content is free to all readers.
All support is deeply appreciated.
Thank you so much James for helping our dear fearless Kirsten Merritt to get this plea onto the world stage. The sheer amount of effort, at our own expense, to get the truth out to the people and those in positions of power, is staggering. Being such a small country, it's so help and heartwarming to be connected to the likes of yourself. Shame on the NZ Govt, shame on them all. The wrong people are in charge. Everywhere.
And Canada next. Kick the evil out! HONK!🚜🚜🚚🚚🇨🇦🇺🇲🌏🙏