Evidence Regarding White Fibrous Structures
Starting in mid-2021, doctors, embalmers and undertakers from around the world have encountered white fibrous structures unlike anything that they have ever seen before.
FOR COMPLETE DETAILS: NotSafeAndNotEffective.com
If you REALLY want to learn about the white fibrous structures that have been found by doctors in living patients as well as by embalmers in the deceased, then watch the video below…
Click on the link below for an enormous and ongoing collection of resources on this topic:
Undertakers and embalmers first noticed unusual white fibrous structures in May, 2021, about five months after the COVID-19 “vaccines” were authorized.
The images below are from Dr. John Campbell’s substack.
February 17, 2022
A central role for amyloid fibrin microclots in long COVID/PASC: origins and therapeutic implications
Fibrin amyloid microclots represent a novel and potentially important target for both the understanding and treatment of Long COVID and related disorders.
May 17, 2022
Amyloidogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein
Swedish researchers have found that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein contains seven distinct peptide regions that form amyloids when incubated at [normal body temperature] 37 degrees C. When the spike protein is exposed to NE (neutrophil enzyme) the enzyme cleaves the spike protein exposing the peptides that are amyloidogenic, and amyloids are generated within 24 hours.
The researchers found that sequences 192–211, 601–620, 1166–1185 were particularly amyloidogenic. Neutrophil enzyme is excreted at the site of ANY infection, or inflammation, making the vaccinated vulnerable to amyloid formation following either of these.
Spike Protein + Neutrophil enzyme → cleavage of spike → exposure of amyloidogenic sequences → formation of fibrils + amyloids
May 19, 2022
It is well known that many illnesses, such as Alzheimer's, are preceded by a process where the body cuts up large proteins into smaller pieces, which can in turn produce the harmful amyloid. In their study, the researchers show that an enzyme from immune system's white blood cells can cut up coronavirus' spike protein. When the spike protein is cut up, it produces the exact piece of protein which, according to the researchers' analysis, is most likely to produce amyloid. This enzyme is released in large quantities from one type of white blood cells, neutrophils, which are released early on during infections such as COVID-19. When the researchers mixed pure spike protein with this enzyme, called neutrophil elastase, unusual fibrils were produced.
June 13, 2022
Neurotoxic amyloidogenic peptides in the proteome of SARS-COV2: potential implications for neurological symptoms in COVID-19
We identified two peptides from the SARSCoV-2 proteome that self-assemble into amyloid assemblies. Furthermore, these amyloids were shown to be highly toxic to neuronal cells. We suggest that cytotoxic aggregates of SARS-CoV-2 proteins may trigger neurological symptoms in COVID-19.
July 8, 2022
Are Amyloid Fibrin Microclots Central to Long COVID?
Abnormal clots looked a bit like half cooked spaghetti and referred to as dense matted deposits resulting from fibrin polymerization.
These deposits could be induced by things like un-liganded iron, and later, we discovered, also by very low concentrations of bacterial cell wall components.
“We used a special stain (thioflavin T) that only fluoresces when these deposits adopted amyloid-like structures which reflect structural changes in the 3-dimentional structure (but not the primary sequence) of the proteins. We found that this was happening in a variety of chronic inflammatory diseases, such as Alzheimer disease or Parkinson disease. For example, when we added thrombin to a blood sample from someone with asthma, it induced clotting into the amyloid form that bound our fluorogenic stain and then fluoresced.
In acute COVID-19 and Long COVID, they found that no thrombin was needed to start the fibrinogen amyloid microclot process because the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein was capable of starting the microclot process.
The general principle is that if you acquire a scientific understanding of what’s gone wrong with a disease, you can use that knowledge to fix it. I think we have now acquired a scientific understanding of a key element of what in particular has gone wrong in COVID-19 and in Long COVID. These microclots are the central element to everything. If you’ve got these microclots, they block up the microcapillaries, preventing red blood cells from going through so oxygen doesn’t get to the tissues. The tissues that have been blocked from getting oxygen are the ones that are going to manifest disease.
The microclots account for all the obvious symptoms like fatigue, where patients are gasping for oxygen. We think that a lot of sequelae is caused by microclots that lead to a variety of problems, not only due directly to hypoxia, but also ischemia reperfusion injury, which causes so-called post-exertional malaise. You’ve got to break the cycle somewhere and the easy place to break it is the microclots because they’re really the chief bad guys.
Douglas B. Kell, CBE, DSc, MA, DPhil, FAAAS, FLSW, FSB, of the University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom
The Worm That Doesn’t Die | Part 1 | Part 2
How the Spike Protein Causes Amyloid “Clots” (and how to stop the clot)
John O’Looney
Funeral Director John O'Looney Blows the Whistle on COVID
Interview With John O’Looney - Milton Keynes Funeral Director
New Disease
More videos featuring John O’Looney
Richard Hirschman
February 18, 2024
Interview with Embalmer Richard Hirshman about strange blood clots he’s finding.
Strange New Blood Clots in Most Bodies: Embalmers
White clots USA
White clots USA, Part 2
WARNING: EXTREMELY GRAPHIC! Structures Killing Injected 1 Year After Shot
More videos featuring Richard Hirschman:
Thomas Haviland
White clots common
Embalmers Seeing Clotting in Up to 50% of Bodies?—Thomas Haviland Breaks Down Survey Data
2024 Update (Part 1):
2024 Update (Part 2):
Anna Foster
Explosive: Embalmer reveals 93% of cases have deadly clots caused by the COVID vax
Wallace Hooker
Wallace Hooker - Embalmer and Funeral Director Speaks Out About the 'Clots' (that aren't clots)
Nicky Rupright King
Embalmer Nicky King Taking out Blood Clots that have Unnatural Tensile Strength
Dr. Jordan Vaughn
Spike Protein Exposure and Clotting Pathologies Explained: Dr. Jordan Vaughn
Dr. Philip McMillan
Whistleblower - Embalmer type clots occurring in the living?
Funeral embalmers/ directors with new evidence on white clots presented in presentation
Nova Scotia Free Speech Bulletin Board Podcast with Richard Hirschman Funeral Director Part 1
EXCLUSIVE: Top physicians & embalmers reveal shocking vaccine injuries
Died Suddenly
November 25, 2022
What is Causing the Blood Clots from "Died Suddenly?"
The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is remarkably effective at disrupting many critical physiologic processes both in the short term and in the long term.
February 22, 2024
Embalmers are Continuing to Find Mysterious Clots in the Vaccinated
Reviewing the results of a recent citizen's investigation and what we now know about these amyloid clots.
February 7, 2024
What Are These
James Roguski
I claim no copyright of any kind whatsoever, over any of my work, ever. Everyone is encouraged to copy any and all of it, in part, or in full, and use it for whatever purposes they wish. In fact, I would be delighted if someone were to copy this entire body of work. I encourage everyone to duplicate and mirror it in its entirety. I also encourage everyone to adapt and utilize the information in whatever manner they deem appropriate. No citation or other reference is requested or required. It would actually bring me great joy to see this information multiply exponentially and "go viral".
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All support is deeply appreciated.
Very glad to see this. For those who don't do video (and to simply save the information in case the videos are taken down) I've made transcripts of several of these testimonies about the fibrinaloid clots, and gathered them here:
I just published my list of Substack’s “Top 137 Covid Contrarians and Freedom Writers.” Some Substack readers might be interested in this information, which might be a good resource for those on “our side.” FWIW, this newsletter made the list.
P.S. Thank you very much for highlighting the "embalmers' clots." At least once a week, I try to do the same thing at my Substack. IMO the best chance we have to "stop the shots" is to simply show these "grotesque" pictures.