Evidence of Harm to Unborn and Nursing Infants and Their Mothers
More than any other aspect of the COVID-19 democide, the information in this article clearly reveals the depth of the evil that we must defeat.
FOR COMPLETE DETAILS: NotSafeAndNotEffective.com
1,969 Fetal Deaths Recorded Following COVID-19 Shots - Criminal CDC Recommends Pregnant Women Get It
Dr. James Thorp, OBGYN on Tucker Carlson: Harms of the Covid Vaccine For Pregnant Women
COVID-19 “Vaccine” Effects on Women of Reproductive Age and Pregnancy
On April 23, 2021, during a high-profile White House COVID-19 press briefing, CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky announced CDC’s new recommendation that all pregnant women receive the COVID-19 “vaccine.” Apparently basing this recommendation on a misleading CDC study published just days before, Walensky publicly declared that the vaccines appeared to be safe for pregnant women.
However, the study showed precisely the opposite.
The researchers followed outcomes in 3,958 vaccinated pregnant women between mid-December 2020 and the end of February 2021. During this ten-week window, 827 women completed their pregnancy, of which 712 (86.1%) were live births and 115 (13.9%) pregnancy losses. Of the pregnancy losses, 104 were spontaneous abortions (miscarriages), the vast majority of which (92.3%) occurred before thirteen weeks of gestation.
Upon review of the data, however, 700 women (84.6%) weren’t “vaccinated” until the third trimester, long after most miscarriages (spontaneous abortions) occur. Nonetheless, authors included these 700 third-trimester “vaccinations” in the denominator of the first trimester miscarriages when they calculated the spontaneous abortion rate.
Based on their statistical sleight of hand, authors pegged the spontaneous abortion rate at 12.6% (104/827) when, in fact, it was truthfully 82% (104/127) in the relevant (first) trimester). It should be noted that the miscarriage rate was remarkably close to the Pfizer 5.3.6 study’s finding of a ten-week post-market miscarriage rate (81%).
The astonishingly high miscarriage rate in the CDC study is comparable to the efficacy of the popular “abortion pill” RU486, which carries an FDA black box warning to alert consumers to major drug risks.
And yet the CDC study concluded there were no obvious safety concerns.
SOURCE: Toxic Shot - Facing the Dangers of the COVID “Vaccines” (pages 208-209)
COVID-19 Vaccines: The Impact on Pregnancy Outcomes and Menstrual Function
The highest stillbirth rate in the U.S. appears to be present in the geographic locations that impose the greatest pressure on pregnant women to be vaccinated, the concerning rates (and vaccination rates) in Canada are even worse. Five professionals (two physicians and three doulas) noted an unprecedented 13 stillbirths in a 24-hour period at Lions Gate Hospital in British Columbia.
The administration of COVID-19 vaccines in pregnancy and women of reproductive age should be halted immediately
Dr. James Thorp
COVID-19 “Vaccine” Effects on Women of Reproductive Age and Pregnancy
The modRNA shots are still endorsed by public health agencies for use in pregnant women, despite clear signs of the dangers to reproductive health in lab data from Moderna, post-marketing safety data gathered by Pfizer and demographic data showing dramatic shifts in fertility. (page 187)
Within weeks of introduction, Pfizer's own post-market safety monitoring (as detailed in the company's 5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis submission to FDA) showed the COVID-19 gene therapy to be the most lethal medical intervention ever rolled out to the public in medical history. To our knowledge, no other drug, medicine, vaccine or medical intervention has ever been associated with 1,223 deaths in the first ten weeks after rollout to the public. (December 14, 2020 through February 28, 2021). By historic standards, based on this number alone, all modRNA genetic therapies masquerading as "vaccines" should have been removed from public consumption in December 2020. (page 189)
FDA and CDC use a twofold increase as triggering a safety signal, yet we found a 57-fold increase in miscarriage, and a 38-fold increase in fetal death (stillbirth) following COVID-19 "vaccination," when compared to influenza vaccines. Eighteen distinct adverse events types, including abnormal menses and seventeen other major pregnancy complications all exceeded CDC and FDA signals. (page 190)
The Pfizer post-marketing data covering the first phase, through February 28, 2021.
In a cohort of 270 pregnant mothers, there were danger signals documenting an 81% rate of miscarriage (spontaneous abortion) in the first trimester, a 5-fold increase in still births (fetal death at or after twenty weeks), an 8-fold increase in neonatal mortality rate and a 14.7% complication rate in breastfed infants.
Extending the time frame to March 15, 2022, Pfizer's second phase of post-market safety monitoring elaborated the same pattern, with increasing numbers of adverse events affecting pregnancies as more pregnant women received the shots. By that time, Pfizer documents analyzed by Daily Clout revealed 1,809 cases of spontaneous abortions in "vaccinated" pregnant women.
THE DailyClout analysis of Pfizer data uncovered large numbers of other reproductive harms and disregulations, especially regarding menstrual cycles.
The list included:
27,685 cases of heavy menstrual bleeding;
15,083 cases of irregular menstruation;
13,989 cases of delayed menstruation;
13,904 cases of pain during menstruation;
12,424 cases of bleeding between periods; and
11,363 cases of absent menstruation. (pages 191-192)
SOURCE: Toxic Shot - Facing the Dangers of the COVID “Vaccines”
Thousands of women reported losing their unborn child within days of receiving the COVID-19 injections!
Are COVID-19 Vaccines in Pregnancy as Safe and Effective as the U.S. Government, Medical Organizations, and Pharmaceutical Industry Claim? Part I
The CDC/FDA’s safety signals were breached for all 37 Adverse Events following COVID-19 vaccination in pregnancy:
fetal chromosomal abnormality
fetal malformation
cervical insufficiency
premature rupture of membranes
premature labor
premature delivery
placental calcification
placental infarction
placental thrombosis
placenta accreta
placental abruption
placental insufficiency
placental disorder
fetal maternal hemorrhage
fetal growth restriction
reduced amniotic fluid volume
fetal heart rate abnormality
fetal cardiac disorder
fetal vascular mal-perfusion
fetal arrhythmia
fetal distress
fetal biophysical profile abnormal
hemorrhage in pregnancy
fetal cardiac arrest
fetal death (stillbirth)
premature infant death
neonatal asphyxia
neonatal dyspnea
neonatal infection
neonatal hemorrhage
insufficient breast milk
neonatal pneumonia
neonatal respiratory distress
neonatal respiratory distress syndrome
neonatal seizure
All 37 Adverse Events breach CDC/FDA limits for safety and are consistent with the authors’ extensive clinical observations.
The magnitude of these safety deviations is unparalleled… as a cause for alarm.
Are COVID-19 Vaccines in Pregnancy as Safe and Effective as the U.S. Government, Medical Organizations, and Pharmaceutical Industry Claim? Part II
CDC/FDA has failed to capture and account for a significant number of Adverse Event (AE) case reports following COVID-19 in VAERS by a variety of techniques in an apparent attempt to sanitize the data.
CDC’s Rochelle Walensky and NEJM’s Editor-in-Chief Eric Rubin pushed novel untested COVID-19 vaccines in pregnant women despite clear evidence from multiple sources that safety signals had been breached.
Audio Interview: Covid-19 Vaccines and Pregnancy — A Conversation with CDC Director Rochelle Walensky
Pay close attention at the following times:
Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons
ORIGINAL: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmoa2104983
“CORRECTED”: https://www.nejm.org/doi/10.1056/NEJMx210016
Figure 3 shows a screen shot from the NEJM article28 proving a spontaneous abortion rate of 82% (104/127), not the study’s claimed risk of 12.6% (104/827).29,30 A 12.6% rate of spontaneous abortion is still far too high in a well-established viable pregnancy after the initial visit. Interestingly, the Shimabukuro article’s actual spontaneous abortion rate of 82% is nearly identical to that of Pfizer’s 5.3.6 post market analysis rate of 81% (page 12)17 - discussed in Part I of this series. The Shimabukuro NEJM article’s28 82% spontaneous abortion rate rivals that of the “abortion pill” (RU486, mifepristone) that carries a mandatory FDA “black box warning”.
Watch the lie for yourself:
Notice how Rochelle Walensky stumbles when she states that “no safety concerns were observed for people vaccinated in the third trimester of, um, um, or safety concerns for their babies.”
Please note that she conveniently neglected to mention the 82% miscarriage rate among women who received the COVID-19 injections in their first trimester.
Falling Birth Rates, Still Births and Corona "Vaccine“- induced Embryo- Foetal Damage
Analyses of human birth rates in 2021 and 2022 are hard to find, however available data show a drastic decline following corona „vaccine campaigns. Hoping that the link remains valid, we provide a link to an analysis for Switzerland showing this decline (Pfeiffer 2022). The Swiss weekly magazine “Weltwoche” published two very informative articles on the topic of declining fertility in 2021 and 2022, however the online versions were shielded off by a paywall (Beck 2022; Millius 2022).
An analysis of data from the German Federal Statistical Office presented in a symposium, clearly showed an undeniable timely correlation between corona "vaccination” campaigns and falling birth rates in Germany (with lag of 9 months). The presentation should be sought for by using the search terms "Bergholz“ and "Lahnstein"; the respective analysis is shown from minute 18:27 onwards.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZBZL5CXQJ4&t=1107s (German)
A declining fertility for Germany and Sweden was reported by the German Federal Institute for Population Research (Bujard and Andersson 2022). Meanwhile, the association between governmental corona „vaccination” campaigns for reproductively relevant age groups in April 2021 and declining fertility rates with a lag of nine months has been published in a peer reviewed journal (Steger and Bergholz 2023). In this paper the authors remark that the inhibiting effect on female fertility may be around 100-fold more severe than on male fertility.
What are the mechanisms leading to this drastic decline in fertility caused by corona "vaccinations”?
Corona "Vaccinations“ deteriorate Sperm Quality
A study from Israel could determine a decline of sperm concentrations and mobility after Corona “vaccinations” with Pfizer-Comirnaty (Gat et al. 2022). This would explain a decline of successful inseminations. ACE2 receptors, the target receptors for spike-binding, are being expressed in different cells of the testicles, among which are the testosterone producing Leydig-cells, the Sertoli cells and the spermatogonia and spermatozoa (Wang and Xu 2020; Aitken 2021).
In young men, who died after Corona “vaccination” the pathologist Burkhardt and Lang diagnosed signs of disturbed spermatogenesis, such a anomalies in layering of the physiological sperm-maturing inside the germinal epithelia of the seminiferous tubules. Immunohistological examination using spike protein marking antibodies, showed marking of mainly spermatogonia that were atypically located in a luminal instead of a basal location.
Corona "Vaccine"-Induced Embryo- or Foetal-Damage
From animal models, there is evidence for corona “vaccine”-induced embryo- or foetal damage due to anti-spike antibody dependant auto immune attacks against foetal cells and tissues:
Anti-Spike-IgGs were injected into the peritoneum of pregnant mice and lead to severe health damages in their offspring, such as heart bleedings, brain inflammations and kidney damages; many newborn mice were actually born dead. The authors named the underlying mechanism “Anti-body Dependant Auto Attack (ADAA)”: Antibodies against the spike protein bind to foetal cells and induce an autoimmune attacks against these cells (Wang, Chen, et al. 2021).
Antiphospholipid antibodies are a known cause of thrombophilia and are frequently detected after corona vaccination (Talotta and Robertson 2021). In pregnancy they are a notorious risk factor for placental infarction with intrauterine death.
In Utero Fertility Reduction of Female Foetuses
Spike protein binding to ACE2 receptors leads to dysfunction of the ACE2 signaling cascade with adverse consequences for the cell- and tissue- homoeostasis. ACE2 receptors are abundantly present in ovaries, the uterine mucosa, the vagina and the placenta (Jing et al. 2020).
In a sample from a middle-aged (early fifties) woman with severe menstrual bleeding disorders after corona "vaccinations”, Burkhardt and Lang observed an unusual lymph follicular endometritis in glandular complexes with immunohistochemical marks of spike expression.
Egg cells in contrast to sperm cells are not being continuously produced in adults, but all created during intrauterine foetal development for the whole life. Damaging effects on ovaries of the foetus and the developing egg cells inside, can therefore affect the later fertility of the grown-up woman. Noteworthy, the developing ovaries of the female foetus have ACE2 receptors in abundance (Kong et al. 2021).
If spike toxicity after corona „vaccination” or SARS-CoV-2 infection damages the developing egg cells the fertility of the growing female foetus will be reduced (Solis-Moreira 2021). Such a fertility reduction on a large scale would not be noticed immediately, but rather noticed in births statistics in more than 15 years, when the corresponding birth cohorts reach reproductive age.
Membrane Fusion as a functional Similarity between the Placenta Synzytin Enzymes and Spike Protein
Already in 2020, even before the first spike-inducing corona „vaccines” were introduced, concerns about spike effects on pregnancy were raised with regards to structural similarities of spike to synzytin. Synzytin 1 and 2 proteins are coded by a Human Endogenous Retrovirus (HERV) and can trigger autoimmune reactions. Physiologically, synzytin 1 and 2 are crucial for the implementation of the fertilized egg-cell or the early embryo and especially for the formation of the placenta. The articles about these concerns are a bit hard to find using conventional internet search engines. However, numerous articles “debunking” the concern can be found as a trace for the previous existence of the concerns. According to these articles, the similarities between Synzytin 1 and 2 and the spike protein are minor with too few sequence homologies for concerns (Kloc et al. 2021).
However, there are undeniable functional parallels between the spike protein and the two for placenta formation essential proteins synzytin 1 and synzytin 2. The synzytin proteins and the spike protein accomplish fusion processes of membranes. In line with this functionality, the synzytin coding sequences are env-sequences. “Env” means “envelope”, Viral cell invasion encompasses fusion between the membrane of the virus envelope and the host cell membrane. The spike protein has a similar role for the SARS-CoV-2 virus and can induce the fusion of membranes forming synzytia (Lazebnik 2021). Apparently, synzytin and spike also share a socalled homotrimer secondary structure (Hewitt 2022).
Rheological Disruptions with increased Thrombosis Risk endangers Pregnancies
After corona „vaccinations” significant disruptions of the blood flow and the blood coagulation balance can occur. Such distortions can endanger every pregnancy, for example by disrupting the materno- placental blood circulation. As described in previous chapters, corona „vaccinations” can induce all three risk factors for thrombosis that make up the Virchow Trias, namely injuries of inner vessel walls, coagulation dysregulations and stasis of blood flow (Ahmed, Zimba, and Gasparyan 2020; Carbillon et al. 2021).
Materno-Foetal Transplacental Transmission of AutoimmunReactive Antibodies
Materno-foetal transmission of antibodies from the mother to the child lends maternal passive immunity to the child. Unfortunately, damaging antibodies will also get transferred to the child. ADE-syndrome in the baby due to materno-foetal transmission of antibodies has been described after maternal influenza and RSV infections (van Erp et al. 2017; Smatti, Al Thani, and Yassine 2018). Materno-foetal transmitted antibodies binding to Fc receptors of mast cells with degranulation and histamine release can cause the multi-inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C) in children (Ricke et al. 2020; Ricke 2021).
Irregularities of Pregnancy and Menstruation Cycle after Corona "Vaccinations”
Pregnancy associated adverse events in the American VAERS-database from 1998 to 2022 after Influenca vaccinations and “corona vaccination” showed a non-deniable increase in the corona "vaccination” group with often deadly consequences for the unborn child (Thorp et al. 2022; Mayer 2023):
Menstruation anomalies
Foetal chromosome anomalies
Foetal malformations
Foetal cystic hygroma
Foetal heart malformations
Foetal cardiac arrhythmia
Foetal cardiac arrest
Foetal vascular perfusion deficits
Foetal growth anomalies
Foetal Thrombosis of the placenta
Amniotic fluid deficit
Early birth
Preterm rupture of the membranes
Foetal death
Sudden infant death syndrome
This is in line with anecdotal evidences from obstetric units, where hardly any delivery seems to be normal anymore. The diversity of pregnancy damages suggests a diversity of underlying mechanisms of damage. Familiar mechanisms of corona ”vaccine” damages in adults are vascular damages through spike protein induced autoimmune reactions, spike toxicity and damage of the vessel protective ACE2 axis. One of the most complex vascular system one can think of is the placenta-foetal circulation which over nine months is permanently expanded and restructured. It is obvious that vascular inflammations of this system have severe consequences.
The pathologists Burkhardt and Lang identified spike proteins on the maternal and the foetal side of the placenta after a stillbirth in late pregnancy (2-3 weeks before term), with the mother having received a corona "vaccination” shortly before conception.
Thorn in the Flesh (pages 115-120)
Dr. James Thorp Accuses Medical Boards of Collusion with Feds
Please watch the video below:
Dr. James Thorp provides a summary of the collusion:
In Forbes Magazine University of Pennsylvania was again one of the top two U.S. universities (with Johns Hopkins) leading the nation in National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding. In federal fiscal year 2023, the most recent year for which relatively complete data are available, University of Pennsylvania received $703,217,343. It is an established fact that researchers will side with the bias of their employer and their source of research funding. Professor Morris how is that not extreme bias affecting your opinions and publications?
I am an extensively published and experienced physician in the specialties of ObGyn and Maternal-Fetal Medicine with almost 46 years of clinical experience. After multiple publications on the effects of the COVID-19 experimental gene therapy injections in pregnancy shared with my employer at the time, SSM Health St Louis, I was fired on June 29, 2023. This occurred 2 years after SSM Health St. Louis received $306.9 million entering into a secret, quid pro quo, cooperative agreement with HHS in early 2021. This arrangement could be more accurately described as a BRIBE. Then, SSM Health CEO Kevin Elledge after honoring me as a model physician for their system, attempted to BRIBE me with $90,000 to sign a separation agreement including an NDA and harsh non disparagement clause. I declined.
The American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology (ABOG) threatened 60,000 ObGyn physicians with their medical licenses and their board certifications if they spread misinformation regarding COVID-19 on September 27, 2021. How is that NOT EXTREME BIAS affecting the global body of researchers’ opinions and publications? https://abog.org/about-abog/news-announcements/2021/09/27/statement-regarding-dissemination-of-covid-19-misinformation
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) was proven in a freedom of information act request to have received massive amounts of money to remain in lockstep with the draconian COVID-19 protocols of the United States, Department of health and human services (HHS).
How is that NOT EXTREME BIAS affecting the global body of researchers’ opinions and publications?
FOIA Reveals Troubling Relationship between HHS/CDC & the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists - America Out Loud https://www.americaoutloud.news/foia-reveals-troubling-relationship-between-hhs-cdc-the-american-college-of-obstetricians-and-gynecologists/
The department of Health and Human Services (HHS) entered into quid pro quo relationships (corporative agreements) - more accurately described as BRIBES - giving $186 billion to over 420,000 hospitals and physician systems to support their draconian COVID-19 protocols. No Hospital or their employee could’ve published a study contrary to the HHS narrative or they would’ve lost their funding or their jobs - like I experienced. How is that NOT EXTREME BIAS affecting the global body of researchers’ opinions and publications?
COVID-19 Government Relief Funds Turned the Healthcare Industry on Its Head - America Out Loud News https://www.americaoutloud.news/covid-19-government-relief-funds-turned-the-healthcare-industry-on-its-head/
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have colluded with physicians’ credentialing/certification boards entering into quid pro quo relationships (corporative agreements) - more accurately described as BRIBES. How is that NOT EXTREME BIAS affecting the global body of researchers’ opinions and publications?
The war on free speech! Medical boards accused of collusion with feds as ‘State Actor’ status looms - America Out Loud News https://www.americaoutloud.news/the-war-on-free-speech-medical-boards-accused-of-collusion-with-feds-as-state-actor-status-looms/
It has been documented the major medical journals accepted money from the pharmaceutical companies and the government to publish studies supporting their draconian COVID-19 narratives. The NEJM accepted monies from the CDC. (See Figure Below). The Editor in Chief of the NEJM Eric Rubin with the Managing Editor of the NEJM Stephen Morrissey colluded with then Director of the CDC Rochelle Walensky presented blatantly false science in their NEJM publication on April 21, 2021 pushing the safety and efficacy of the experimental COVID-19 gene therapy injections in pregnant women. How is that NOT EXTREME BIAS affecting the global body of researchers’ opinions and publications?
The landmark safety study heralding the safety of the COVID-19 “vaccines” in the NEJM in 2021 appears to ghost written by Pfizer and demonstrated an 82% miscarriage rate associated with the COVID-19 “vaccines”. (see figure below). The 21 authors were all federal employees and the lead author Shimabukuro was employed by the federal government involved with the FDA’s vaccine safety committee since 2010. How is that NOT EXTREME BIAS affecting the global body of researchers’ opinions and publications?
Dr. James Thorp’s upcoming book:
Thousands report unusual menstruation patterns after COVID-19 vaccination
“I had what’s often called menstrual flooding,” says Clancy, a biological anthropologist at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Clancy wouldn’t have thought to connect the experience to the Moderna dose she’d received were it not for her graduate student, Katharine Lee, now at Tulane University, who shared a similar tale. “I had the worst cramps of my life” after COVID-19 vaccination, Lee says. Intrigued, Clancy—who didn’t experience similarly intense symptoms after her second dose—shared her story on Twitter. Hundreds responded with parallel stories, leading her to suspect a potential link to vaccination.
Biodistribution of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in human breast milk
Of 13 lactating women receiving the vaccine (20 exposures), trace mRNA amounts were detected in 10 exposures up to 45 h post-vaccination. The mRNA was concentrated in the breast milk extracellular vesicles;
Our findings demonstrate that the COVID-19 vaccine mRNA is not confined to the injection site but spreads systemically and is packaged into breast milk extracellular vesicles.
Since the minimum mRNA vaccine dose to elicit an immune reaction in infants <6 months is unknown, a dialogue between a breastfeeding mother and her healthcare provider should address the benefit/risk considerations of breastfeeding in the first two days after maternal vaccination.
Periodic Safety Update Report #1 (PSUR)
Pregnancy outcome: Live birth with congenital anomaly: Four(4) of these cases reported 11 congenital anomalies that coded to the PTs Hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy, Neonatal respiratory failure, Shock, Intestinal perforation, Newborn persistent pulmonary hypertension, Non-reassuring foetal heart rate pattern, Pneumoperitoneum, Renal tubular necrosis, Metabolic acidosis, Foetal heart rate abnormal, neonatal pneumothorax.
From the article by investigative reporter Sonia Elijah, she reports on data obtained from a Freedom of Information Act request for the EU’s Periodic Safety Update Report #3 (PSUR #3), covering the 6-month period of 19 December 2021 through to 18 June 2022, which recently became available on the Austrian Politics and Science blog, tkp.
It is important to note that upon further review of PSUR #1, something extremely disturbing surfaced – adverse events were reported for breast-fed babies indirectly exposed to the PfizerBioNTech mRNA shot by their vaccinated mothers.
She discovered that Pfizer documented numerous cases of strokes, convulsions, and respiratory failure among nursing babies.
The screenshot below is taken from page 165 of PSUR #1.
The fact that two cases from the post-marketing (PM) data involved babies who were indirectly exposed to the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccine (BNT162b2) via the trans-mammary route (through the breast milk) and consequently suffered a stroke (central nervous system haemorrhages and cerebrovascular accidents) is shocking.
Then, on page 149 (screenshot below), three more cases of babies suffering from neurological adverse events, for example, convulsions, from being indirectly exposed to the vaccine via their vaccinated mothers’ breast milk, were recorded.
From the analysis of booster doses (> 2 dose primary series), a staggering 455 cases were recorded during the 6-month reporting interval (1 from the clinical trial data and 454 recorded from the post-marketing data) and involved babies whose cases “were excluded due to indirect exposure (transplacental/transmammary) to BNT162b2.”
https://covid19criticalcare.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Shedding-of-COVID-mRNA-Vaccines-A-review-of-evidence-2024-02-03.pdf (pages 10-11)
Analysis of Vaccine Reactions After COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Doses Among Pregnant and Lactating Individuals
Buried in the information presented in this article was the revelation that 2.4% of pregnant women (48 of 2009) and 4.0% of lactating women (411 of 10 277) reported obstetric or lactation concerns after vaccination.
The study revealed that 3.5% of women reported a decrease in breast milk supply and 1.2% reported “issues with their breast milk-fed infant after vaccination.”
Dr. Clare Craig Exposes How Pfizer Twisted Their Clinical Trial Data for Young Children
Report 28: Vaccine Trials for Infants and Children Show Little to No Benefit
The vaccine does not prevent infection or reduce transmission. Furthermore, CDC published data show a poor efficacy of 31%, reducing to 12% after 7 weeks in the 5-11 yr age range (Dorabawila 2002). The mRNA vaccines do not stop infection, replication, or spread of the Omicron variants. They are not fulfilling their intended purpose.
Run at 65 trial sites, they recruited a total of 4526 children of which, 3000 children dropped out before the end of the trial.
Pfizer presented evidence that the only antibodies produced in the children were to the Wuhan (alpha strain) spike with no detectable antibodies to the Omicron variant (Craig, HART group, 2022).
However, the trial also shows other alarming results.
There were 30% more covid cases in the vaccine arm after first dose than the placebo, so they ignored that data. The same occurred with the second and third rounds.
In total, after 2 months, COVID developed twice as much in the vaccinated vs placebo group, suggesting that there was a higher likelihood that the vaccine was causing severe COVID than the likelihood that it was not. In fact, 12 of the children got COVID twice, 11 of which were in the vaccination arm!
COVID-19 Vaccines: The Impact on Pregnancy Outcomes and Menstrual Function
When normalized by time-available, doses-given, or number of persons vaccinated, all COVID-19 vaccine AEs far exceed the safety signal on all recognized thresholds.
These results necessitate a worldwide moratorium on the use of COVID-19 vaccines in pregnancy.
Increased risk of fetal loss after COVID-19 vaccination
When normalized by time-available, doses-given, or number of persons vaccinated, all COVID-19 vaccine AEs far exceed the safety signal on all recognized thresholds. Specifically for miscarriage we found the global relative risk was 177 (95% CI 114.4–283.5) compared to influenza vaccination.
Steve Kirsch summarized the above article:
The graphics below are from Dr. Byram Bridle:
The direct effect of SARS-CoV-2 virus vaccination on human ovarian granulosa cells explains menstrual irregularities
Human primary GCs exposed in-vitro to the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine BNT162b2, demonstrated no change in their viability but altered mRNA transcripts, specifically of the regulatory key factors: InhibinB was upregulated, whereas AMH was downregulated. We further examined pre- and post-vaccination blood samples from individual women and found a 2-3 folds change in the post-vaccination FSH/InhibinB protein level ratio, compared to their pre-vaccination values. This altered expression of InhibinB could significantly impact the HPO axis in vaccinated women and may ultimately influence the endometrium cyclicity, manifested clinically by the commonly reported changes in menstrual bleeding patterns.
Articles by Children’s Health Defense
As of December 1, 2024, despite vast evidence to the contrary, the following FALSE claims are still being made by the CDC:
Everyone ages 6 months and older is recommended to get the updated COVID-19 vaccine, including people who are pregnant, breastfeeding a baby, trying to get pregnant now, or who might become pregnant in the future.
COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy is safe and effective.
COVID-19 vaccines are not associated with fertility problems in women or men.
Infants ages 6 months and older are recommended to get the updated COVID-19 vaccine even if born to people who were vaccinated or had COVID-19 before or during pregnancy.
If you are pregnant or were recently pregnant, you are more likely to get very sick from COVID-19, compared to those who are not pregnant. Additionally, if you have COVID-19 during pregnancy, you are at increased risk of complications that can affect your pregnancy and your baby from serious illness from COVID-1
Studies including hundreds of thousands of people around the world show that COVID-19 vaccination before and during pregnancy is safe, effective, and beneficial to both the pregnant person and the baby. The benefits of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine outweigh any potential risks of vaccination during pregnancy. Data show:
It is safe to receive an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine (Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech), before and during pregnancy. Both vaccines show no increased risk for complications like miscarriage, preterm delivery, stillbirth, or birth defects.
mRNA COVID-19 vaccines during pregnancy are effective. They reduce the risk of severe illness and other health effects from COVID-19 for people who are pregnant. COVID-19 vaccination might help prevent stillbirths and preterm delivery.
Receiving mRNA COVID-19 vaccines during pregnancy can help protect babies younger than age 6 months from hospitalization due to COVID-19.
CDC recommends that people who are breastfeeding a baby, and infants 6 months of age and older, get vaccinated and stay up to date with their COVID-19 vaccines.
Vaccines are safe and effective at preventing COVID-19 in people who are breastfeeding a baby. Available data on the safety of COVID-19 vaccination while breastfeeding indicate no severe reactions after vaccination in the breastfeeding person or the breastfed child.
There has been no evidence to suggest that COVID-19 vaccines are harmful to either people who have received a vaccine and are breastfeeding or to their babies.
The propaganda below is provided by The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)
James Roguski
I claim no copyright of any kind whatsoever, over any of my work, ever. Everyone is encouraged to copy any and all of it, in part, or in full, and use it for whatever purposes they wish. In fact, I would be delighted if someone were to copy this entire body of work. I encourage everyone to duplicate and mirror it in its entirety. I also encourage everyone to adapt and utilize the information in whatever manner they deem appropriate. No citation or other reference is requested or required. It would actually bring me great joy to see this information multiply exponentially and "go viral".
All content is free to all readers.
All support is deeply appreciated.
I’m continually amazed by the amount of suppressed data and how much harm has been done and continues to be done. I pray we can one day see those responsible brought to justice. Thank you for being a true warrior.
I automatically distrust anyone who uses the term, "pregnant people".