Dr. Shankara Chetty has personally treated over 10,000 patients for COVID-19. None of his patients have died. None have been hospitalized. Watch his videos to learn the truth about COVID-19.
CLICK HERE to watch Dr. Shankara Chetty’s testimony. Yes, it is one hour long. It is worth every second of your time to watch the entire video.
Dr. Shankara Chetty has personally treated over 10,000 COVID-19 patients with NO need for supplemental oxygen, NO hospitalizations and NO deaths. He has developed simple protocols and uses inexpensive medications.
Dr. Chetty is a medical doctor and biological scientist from South Africa. He has over 20 years experience in rural and remote primary care.
The second phase of COVID-19 is a delayed allergic reaction that usually begins on the 8th day after the initial onset of symptoms.
Millions of people around the world have died because their illness has been treated inappropriately. They have been treated with the wrong medications because their doctors blindly followed government and/or hospital protocols.
Inappropriate NIH protocols and blind obedience to those protocols by public health officials and hospital administrators have resulted in nearly 1,000,000 unnecessary deaths in the United States alone.
ANALOGY: If someone had a peanut allergy, would it be considered malpractice if they were treated with anti-viral drugs? Would it be ethical to deny them access to anti-allergy treatments? Would it be ethical to inject EVERYONE with peanut (spike) protein and claim that it was safe for EVERYONE?
Share this information with your family, your friends and your doctor A.S.A.P.
On February 13, 2022, Dr. Shankara Chetty “testified” before the Coronavirus Investigative Committee’s “Grand Jury - The Court of Public Opinion.”
Every “member of the jury” (the general public) should dedicate at least an hour of their time to watch and listen very carefully to Dr. Chetty’s testimony.
Must watch videos:
Share this information with your family, your friends and your doctor A.S.A.P.
Dr. Chetty’s 8th Day Therapy aims at mitigating a possible hypersensitivity reaction that can trigger an inappropriate immune response, including a possible subsequent cytokine storm.
Obviously, this is NOT a self help program.
If you catch COVID-19, please seek immediate medical help.
The information below does NOT cover the initial viral phase, for which early treatment protocols already exist (CLICK HERE).
8th Day Therapy
On the 8th day after the first onset of symptoms COVID-19 may abruptly transition from the initial viral phase to a second phase that is very, very different. It is essential for the treating physician to establish as precisely as possible the first day of the onset of symptoms, in order to alert the patient of the date when a possible sudden aggravation of symptoms MAY occur.
Dr. Chetty’s 8th Day Therapy encompasses 4 distinct interventions. Because these interventions sometimes follow a previously prescribed early treatment protocol, possible drug interactions need to be carefully assessed.
Shortness of breath, gastro-intestinal distress and/or fatigue are often associated with this aggravation/return of symptoms.
On the 8th day of Covid, Dr. Chetty gave to me...
Intervention #1: Corticosteroids
Goal: To stop the hypersensitivity reaction, to stop the release of mediators and to prevent an inappropriate immune response, including a possible subsequent cytokine storm.
Prednisone 80mg dly x 1 week. Increase dose rapidly to get symptomatic relief quickly. CRP and IL6 values must show quick decline. Dose will vary according to variants and severity of reaction. Can go as high as 100mg tds for first few days. Wean off cautiously when CRP and IL6 are normal or patient is well for a few days.
Azathioprine 50mg dly consider adding to decrease steroid requirements for those with prolonged reactions.
Intervention #2: Anti-histamines
Goal: To clear the histamines that have been released.
H1: Promethazine 25mg tds x 5 days or Levocetirizine 5mg bd x 1 month to follow Promethazine.
H2: Cimetidine 400mg x 1 month or another H2 blocker. Other anti-histamine drugs can be suitable.
Intervention #3: Anti-leukotrienes
Goal: To clear the leukotrienes that have been released.
Montelukast 10mg bd x 5 days then dly x 1 month
Intervention #4: Blood Thinners
Goal: To clear platelet activating factors.
Aspirin 325 mg dly x 1 month.
Add Xarelto 15 mg bd if D.Dimer is raised; decrease to 15 mg dly x 1 month once D.Dimer is normal
Optional Interventions:
Goal: To treat the patient as a unique individual.
Add appropriate antibiotics for those with fever, bacterial co-infection or raised procalcitonin levels.
Add Venteze syrup PRN for those suffering from asthma.
Add Ivermectin 12 mg dly x 5 days in those with cough, dyspnea or decreased oxygen saturation.
Every individual patient’s treatment protocol should be unique to their situation and decided upon after consultation between the patient and their doctor. However, Dr. Chetty and many other doctors (and their patients) have observed consistently successful results using the 8th day protocol while observing their patient and adapting the protocol in a thoughtful way.
Dr. Chetty’s article was published in the August-September 2020 issue of the South African publication Modern Medicine.
More videos with Dr. Shankara Chetty.
by James Roguski
The old system is crumbling, and we must build its replacement quickly.
If you are fed up with the government, hospital, medical, pharmaceutical, media, industrial complex and would like to help build a holistic alternative to the WHO, then feel free to call me directly anytime.
The carnage that has been caused by blind adherence to protocols that ignore Dr. Chetty's insights and success are nothing short of crimes against humanity. Anyone who blocks, suppresses, censors or deletes this information is an accomplice to those crimes. Please share this information with everyone you possibly can.
Been following Dr. Chetty for quite some time. Incredible that this has not been widely adopted.