A Very Important Detail
With all due respect, I humbly request that Donald J. Trump take the oath of office AGAIN. This time, please put your hand on the Bible as you are taking the oath of office.
Dear President Trump,
Mistakes happen.
Please redo your oath of office and be sure to put your hand on the Bible when you take the oath of office.
It would make all of us feel a lot better.
James Roguski
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The problem is Roberts. He screwed up just like he did when he swore in Obama. Malania was not even out of her row when Roberts started and he NEVER said please place you hand on the Bible. James watch it again. I noticed it while it was going on. Roberts is the problem. Lets get it right before you speak out.
For whatever the reason that Trump didn't put his hand on the Bible (only he knows), it makes little difference. Rest assured that the ultimate judge, our Lord God, witnessed the oath of office being given to Trump.