50 Questions For President Trump
Operation Warp Speed was NOT a success. Products using the mRNA platform are NOT "vaccines." They are NOT safe. They are NOT effective at doing any good. They only cause harm and death.
Please watch the video below:
To my readers:
Please review the questions below and then submit your own questions in the comment section so that I can add them to the list.
50 Questions For President Trump:
How many people is it okay to kill before the FDA should revoke the license or Emergency Use Authorization for a so-called “vaccine?” HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE ALREADY BEEN KILLED BY THE COVID-19 mRNA INJECTIONS?
How many people need to die on the very same day that they received a COVID-19 mRNA injection before the FDA is willing to acknowledge that sometimes, correlation and causation CAN BE THE SAME THING?
How many people can be permanently disabled by a “vaccine” before it should be removed from the marketplace?
Is it okay to lie to women of childbearing age, or even worse, women who are already pregnant, by telling them that the COVID-19 mRNA “vaccines” are “safe and effective?”
How many unborn children need to be miscarried or stillborn before the FDA should warn pregnant women to NOT take the COVID-19 mRNA “vaccine?”
Is it okay to lie to the general public by claiming that a product which has received Emergency Use Authorization is “safe and effective” for 6 month old infants when the documentation actually only allows one to claim that the products “may be effective” and no one can be held liable for the harms caused by a product under Emergency Use Authorization?
Are there any published studies that prove SARS-CoV-2 causes COVID-19?
Are any published studies available that provide documented evidence that human-to-human transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 “virus” occurs?
Has anyone every properly “isolated” SARS-CoV-2?
Do vaccinated individuals generate measurable amounts of Secretory IgA (SigA) antibodies to protect the mucous membranes in their mouth, nasal cavity and lungs?
Do the antibodies produced as an immune response to the injection of an mRNA “vaccine” travel to the mucus membranes in the sinuses, throat and lungs in order to protect the individual from respiratory infection?
Since blood-borne antibodies cannot protect the mucus membranes in the sinus, throat or lungs, how could the COVID-19 mRNA injections ever be expected to prevent a respiratory infection?
Do the Pfizer and/or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA injections protect against the diagnosis of COVID-19, or increase the likelihood of being diagnosed with COVID-19?
Is the PCR process able to identify replication competent, whole, viable virions?
Is the PCR process able to definitively diagnose the cause of a disease?
Do the COVID-19 mRNA “vaccines” prevent infection by SARS-CoV-2?
Do the COVID-19 mRNA “vaccines” prevent transmission of SARS-CoV-2?
If a so-called “vaccine” does NOT stop infection, does NOT stop transmission, and CANNOT POSSIBLY DO EITHER, then shouldn’t it be referred to as a failed product? Isn’t stopping infection and transmission the point of a “vaccine?”
What is the legal definition of the term “safe?”
Are the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA products “safe?”
What is the legal definition of the term “effective?”
Are the Pfizer and Moderna products “effective?”
What is the legal definition of the term “vaccine?”
Are the Pfizer and Moderna products “vaccines,” or are they something else?
What is the legal definition of the term “rare?”
Are the adverse events associated with the Pfizer and Moderna products truly “rare?” Or are they so myriad and varied that people neglect to realize that the injections can cause almost every disease?
Does the FDA maintain a master database to track all the vaccine adverse event reports that are received by the manufacturers, VAERS, V-safe and the many other data management systems?
Who is the FDA official that is ultimately responsible for quality assurance of products that are being marketed?
How many vials did the FDA analyze for contamination with DNA from each batch that was marketed by Pfizer and Moderna?
How much DNA is an acceptable amount to have in an mRNA injection?
How much lipid nanoparticle encapsulated DNA is an acceptable amount to have in an mRNA injection?
Did the paperwork that was given to people before they received the mRNA injections provide them with all of the available information about the known and potential risks and benefits of which they would need to be made aware of prior to being asked to give their informed consent?
How many people’s lives have been saved by the mRNA COVID-19 “vaccines.” Can you provide the names of the people who were saved?
What is the number of people needed to be vaccinated (NNV) in order to save one life for the Pfizer products? Moderna?
Has the risk/benefit analyses for the COVID-19 mRNA “vaccines” been re-evaluated using post-marketing data?
Since the Pfizer clinical trial was “unblinded” in mid-December 2020, how can any long-term claims be made for its safety and effectiveness?
How is it possible to claim that something is “safe and effective” over the long term if no long term studies have ever been done?
How many people had heart attacks and/or strokes that were likely to have been caused by the mRNA “vaccines?”
Was the manufacturing process used to produce the mRNA injections that were used in the Pfizer clinical trial the same process that was used to produce the mRNA injections that were administered to the public?
By law, if a substantially different manufacturing process was used to produce a biological product, shouldn’t the FDA require that the biological product produced by the new process undergo separate clinical trials?
Why were the people who administered the injections told to not employ the process of aspiration (pulling out some fluid to ensure that the tip of the needle was not in a vein or artery) before pushing the plunger on the syringe?
When injected, do the contents of the mRNA injection stay in the deltoid (shoulder) muscle?
If not, where do the contents of the mRNA injection travel and what percentage of the injected material ends up in the various tissues and organs of the body?
Do the spike proteins generated by cells that have been transfected with mRNA get imbedded in the cell membrane, leave the cell and circulate throughout the body, or all of the above?
How many spike proteins does the body of an injected person produce?
When does the body of an injected person stop producing spike proteins?
If a person received one of the first mRNA injections and continues to produce that version of the spike protein, will the antibodies produced in response to that variant be effective against unknown future variants?
How many people have contracted cancer that was likely to have been caused by the mRNA “vaccines?”
What is the the proper ICD-10 code to be used when a person seeks health care or when their death was caused by a COVID-19 mRNA injection? Why is this code not being used?
How much evidence does the FDA need to admit that the COVID-19 “vaccines” have caused enormous harm that has far exceeded any perceived benefit?
Why have you ignored the health, emotional, financial and health related trauma of the millions of people who have been injured by the COVID-19 mRNA injections?
Why are these noneffective but dangerous mRNA "vaccines" now on the recommended list for children?
When will money be allocated to help those who have been harmed?
Why are these noneffective but dangerous mRNA "vaccines" now on the recommended list for children?
Why are "they" injecting mRNA into our food supply?
What was the scientific basis for declaring a public health emergency? Was there any reason other than to trigger the PREP Act and eliminate all liability and quality manufacturing requirements for “covered countermeasures”?
Why was the definition of “vaccine” changed during the plandemic?
Why were the inserts that contain the “vaccine”ingredients blank?
Why have some “vaccine” recipients lost limbs after being vaccinated against a supposed respiratory disease?
Why were LNP used in the injected product when they were never allowed before and never safety tested?
Why has the FDA failed to address the multiple reports of contaminants in the COVID-19 mRNA vials?
Why did CDC change the definition of vaccine?
Will mRNA cause genetic mutations? How do you know? Have any long terms studies been done?
Why are overall mortality rates higher for those who received the COVID-19 mRNA injections than those who did not receive them.
Why is the PCR process fraudulently used as a diagnostic when the inventor (Kerry Mullis) stated that it is not capable of diagnosing disease?
What percentage of deaths attributed to COVID-19 were people whodied “with” COVID-19 rather than died because of COVID-19.
Mr. Trump, in December 2020 you stated that Americans who had already had COVID-19 had gained natural immunity which was a very powerful vaccine in itself. Did you actually mean that because you were hospitalized and we were told you were COVID-19 positive in fall 2020, so you would have had already gained natural immunity by the time you made the statement about natural immunity. Yet, you have also stated that you were COVID-19 vaccinated AND have received a booster. You then encouraged people to get a booster. So, if you had natural immunity, why did you get the vaccine? Do you believe in natural immunity or not?”
The “Public Health Emergency” ended on may 11, 2023. Why have the PREP Act liability protections been extended to December 31, 2029?
Why isn't Fauci held accountable for funding gain-of-function research?
Why has the FDA ignored the dangers of "shedding?"
Why has the FDA failed to require any long-term testing for mutagenicity, carcinogenicity, pathogenicity or infertility despite direct and numerous accounts of "turbo cancers", infertility, spontaneous abortions, etc.?
Additional questions will be added as submissions are received…
To my readers:
Please submit your own questions in the comment section so that I can add them to the list above.
James Roguski
Please help spread the word about the harmful effects of the mRNA bioweapons:
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Damn James! We and I am sure many others ARE ON THE SAME PAGE!!
Why are these noneffective but dangerous mNRA "vaccines" now on the recommended list for children??
Why are "they" injecting mNRA into our food supply?